The post was edited 1 time, last by aliendestroyer ().
Delete geologist and engineer production in resource settings when you don't have them
- Usability
Or, if this is a stunt move hoping that people will see that and decide to buy geologist, etc.
At least you could paint those numbers gray so that it's clear that it's not part of actual production.
The energy shown in the tooltip (Above, in the resources of the planet) shows decimal digits, by the way -
In Version 6.4.3 the numbers will be greyed out when you don't have the geologist/engineer. Should have been this way in the first place, but wasn't working correctly.
Origin Admin
OGame-Tech Chief
Idea behind this is what Minion said? And why not those grey numbers at the commanding staff?
Probably, yes.
It will look like this without everything:
This would be engineer only:
I guess you can see how this will work^^
Origin Admin
OGame-Tech Chief
Looks good
Looks good with them being grayed out when they are not active, maybe some in-game explanation could be added like "if you want this bonus then buy Engineer" ect.
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