escape flight options.

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • I agree. i lost entire fleet today because someone with a moon could see the recycle mission i sent them on over night. he timed time the attack to the second. there was nothing to do but watch as weeks worth of building ships just gone. i have no problem with a moon being able to see fleets, but i can not be on 24/7 to send ships away when planets get attacked. This is a HUGE FLAW in the game and i suspect why game suffers for players. An escape flight that can not be seen is a necessity for this game.
    • Two options:
      1. Use deployment (if you abort the deployment flight, it will no longer show in a phalanx scan)
      2. Get yourself a moon

      The only flaw here is, that you (and everyone else) have to learn how to reliable save a fleet.
      Take a look at the Wiki&Guides section: Wiki & Guides

      An escape flight (there is fleet escape already, not sure how it is spelled, tho) would make the game too easy.

      Gumpster wrote:

      but i can not be on 24/7 to send ships away when planets get attacked
      do a fleet save before you go offline!
    • That a good idea for in the day when one is away for a few hours. Although, Over night you can not cancel your deployment when you are asleep. On my day off I like to play in the mornings. With the Idea you suggested, I would need to wake up in the middle of the night to cancel my deployment. It still comes back to Why is there no escape flight on a real time game. I do thank you for the new idea for us.
    • If Ogame is a game too hard , maybe it is better to search a different game, instead to change ogame to be more easy.

      With your suggestion, more or less you are asking that ships of active players don't have to be crashed. Not sound wonderful.

      The base of Ogame is organization ......... if you don't start fleetsave any day at same time and arrive at same time, it is already harder for an other players to understand when attack.
      Other important rule is that never login after or near time to arrive of fleetsave, but always a lot of time before, so if someone is attacking you, you have time to reload.
      Deployed of course is the queen of fleetsave.

      Of course, you can think to login any 20 hours and to be safe .......... you need to improve your game, login more often (8-10 hours max of break)

    • thank you all for your responses. I agree scorer, i should have to thumb thru the forums 100s of topics to find out how to do something so basic. Thank for the info Jango i had no idea that a deploy was not visible once canceled. I do disagree with you Jango that it would make the game easier to play. just easier on the player to save fleet. thanks again all for your input.
    • What I think we need is to get back an affordable and secure fleetsave as it was before doubleclicking and relocating in x1 universes; but scalable to all speeds, so everyone can fleetsave around 8h cheap and with total security.

      As TGWo says, the base of this game is organization. But the situation now makes it quite hard to organize. We need to have room for people to get organized; the game has to allow it.

      Like many here, I don't like that “auto escaping of fleets”.
    • auto escaping fleet is only for new players. 500k max points.

      We talk about real, mid-game, end-game. Where you need do FleetSave Moon -> Moon.

      I agree there should be option to block attacks on account for 6-8h once per day, just to make normal sleep time.

      But not all day. Because then destroying moons would have no sense.

      I currently play speed 6x fleet, so Deathstar destroy moons in 1-3h, so its not nice rally. Then only secure option is return stationary mission, so its not visible on moon scanner, even when moon is destroyed.