Update Oprojekt with Infocompte
Hello everybody !
I've created a script that give you the possibility to update your mines on Oprojekt with the export of mines without BBCODE of Infocompte.
- Version: 1
- Auteur: Choubakawa
- Support: Choubakawa on OpenUserJS orGithub
- Browser: Chrome
- Languages: Should work with any language of Infocompte.
To install this script you can click on one of those links:
- OpenUserJS: openuserjs.org/install/Choubak…t_with_Infocompte.user.js
- (If OpenUserJS is dead) Github: github.com/Choubakawa/Update-O…t_with_Infocompte.user.js
On Oprojekt:

My pride:

The post was edited 1 time, last by Choubakawa ().