Incorrect number of cargos when using the collect mission

  • Incorrect number of cargos when using the collect mission

    I'm using Opera, and haven tested in any other browser.
    And this is not full information to exactly reproduce the bug. But it's some info.

    AntiGame seems to use the penultimate information about cargos in a planet when using collect mission.
    See an example:
    Say you have 600 cargos in a planet. And you have 20 million resources. You take 400 large cargos and transport 10M to a moon. This leaves you (and AntiGame) with the info that only 200 cargos are in that planet. The thing is that if you want to use the collect mission the next time (when cargos have come back) and you go to that planet, obviously you now SEE 600 cargos, click on the Collect mission, and it shows 400 cargos selected, but once you click INTRO and go to Fleet II you can see that the “space available” is 5M resources, meaning that not 400 cargos where selected but 200.

    This last 200 corresponds to some previous information that AntiGame had about the cargos available in that planet. The weird thing is that antigame sees the current number of cargos, and tells you that he is selecting the correct number, but once you click INTRO it goes to Fleet II having selected a different number of cargos.

    I hope it's clear with the example, but it might be incorrect, in any case I will clarify any questions.

    By the way, there's another bug, that once you select the collect mission, and you click INTRO to go to Fleet II page, it doesn't go there but reloads Fleet I page.

    These two might be related. Both don't happen always, and I can't find a pattern of why it seems to happen randomly.

    Another example:
    Say you collect two times in 10 hours. First you go at 12:00 and pass through all planets with the Collect mission transporting from each planet. imagine that in each planet you have 600 cargos and with this transport you use 597 cargos, leaving 3 per planet (and antigame with that information).
    At 22:00 you come back to collect again; you start collecting and you see 600 cargos again in each planet, click the Collect mission that selects say 420 cargos and once you click ENTER in Fleet II you find out that the “Space available” you have 75.000 units, meaning that only 3 large cargos have been selected, which corresponds to the number that antigame recorded the penultimate time that you passed through Fleet I in that planet. But dismisses the LAST information that you see when you go to Fleet I to send the second collect mission at 22:00.

    Thanks in advance!

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Minion ().