[New] API Key requests

    • [New] API Key requests

      Dear users,

      As you know, the OGame development team decided to offer to players a new tool for the development of user scripts.

      Please read this for more information: Dev Post: Planned new API for retrieval of combat reports.

      You can make comments here: New API for retrieval of combat reports

      Previous thread to API key request can be found at: Applications for API Keys
      And also here: [Old] API Key requests - second edition

      As all of you have already noticed the process of generating and distributing the keys was too long, the team decided to change this.

      The tool developers have to post in this thread.
      When you want to replay to this thread there is post template (by replaying click More Options), please fill it out by requesting API Key.

      After your tool is developed and functional in test servers you present it in this board for Gameforge approval : New tools submission

      If your tool is approved/ tolerated by Gameforge - OGame Development team , your key will be enabled on live servers.

      Best regards
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> I want to make a tool which will combine the combat and spio reports to a player list for better planing

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> personal, If everything works, then maybe for a community

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> no

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> I've been developing PHP for about 6 years

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> N/A I have so far only private projects

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> If it is possible that I could get an API key, I can gladly share my information

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> can you give me some more informations?
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> I want to develop a tool to improve alliance's communication by keeping combat, spy and alliance reports, built-in board and others stuff would be interesting but I need API key for some functionalities.

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance, maybe community if it works fine.

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> No, but if a company wants sources to see my skills, i'll show them.

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> I'm studying development for 10 years, mainly in Python (flask django, system), Javascript (pure, jquery, AngularJS, Angular, NodeJS). Others skills are: PHP, Java (Swing, Maven, Hibernate, WildFly, Android), SQL (Ms SQL, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL), NoSQL (Mongo, Cassandra).

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> There is my github . I'm working for a company which help people with Carpooling, car sitting, travelling, etc. I did PHP project for school who is online (I'll send a private message to Shale with link), Java and C project for school (but close sourced, it belong to my college).

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> I'll send a private message to Shole.

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Of course!
      "In my world, everyone's a Debian and they all eat Ubuntu and poop Linux Mint!"
    • iPhone Capable Game

      *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Requesting API access or contact with someone in OGame dev to be able to create an iPhone based application so the game is more readily playable on the go. The iPad app does not run on iPhone and having an iPhone based application would help the community greatly.

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Personal for testing, International once complete and stable

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> If you would like it to be, yes.

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> Swift language (iOS) experienced. Experienced JS and PHP skills as well.

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> None publicly available (only internal tools for my employer), such as a Spark Chat Bot, a Reportif Centre.

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> Will PM later today.

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Of course, let me know what you need.
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      I would like to use the information to build a dashboard to provide strategic insight on different universes, I plan on getting as much information as possible, and having it work dynamically.

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***

      *** Will be open source? ***
      If need be.

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      I've done mostly web development, focusing on systems to integrate server side scripts with PHP.
      I mostly use PHP to interface with bash and python, and work mainly with applications to troubleshoot and test websites / servers.

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      Most of my previous work cannot be shared, as it has a lot to do with the internal workings of the company I work for.
      Having these github projects public would be against my employment contract, they're all on our gitlab server anyway.
      One such project which isn't really sensitive is domainion.co.za which we use to test domains hosted with our company.

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP)
      from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can
      be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      Will send in PM

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require
      you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and
      approximate online availability). ***
      Sure ;)
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Database of spy reports/galaxy view

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Not initially, will consider open sourcing based on alliance feedback

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> Software Engineer is my profession

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> None ogame related

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> Sending a PM

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Sure
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Alliance trades and resources management stats platform

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> After the Alpha release

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> Full Stack Web Developer

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> None ogame related

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> Sending a PM

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Sure
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> I would like to develop an Alexa Skill that gives status updates to players. Example commands would be:
      Player: Alexa, ask OGame what is the status of my fleet
      Alexa : ETA for fleet XXX is 5 hours, destination is planet XXX

      The number of commands would depend on the API capabilities

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> International

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> No

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> Engeneering degree, 5 years of work at IT consulting companies.
      Progamming: C#, ASP.NET, Javascript (Nodejs / Angular / JQuery / etc..)

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> I design and develop software solutions for private companies. Exemple: Intranet, enterprise content management, federated search, sub-contractor evaluation tool, etc...

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> OK by PM

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> I agree
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> phpBB module to help publishing reports from API key

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance first

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Yes

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> Participation in different opensource applications like GLPI or OCSInventory

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> No public tool to link, but you can find part of my work in github github.com/Adadov

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> in PM

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Yes
    • Hello, Ogame community,

      - Short description of tool to be developed using the API key:
      Use of api for mmorpg-stat.eu statistics.
      Statistics of the day: Number of combat, espionage, missile and retraining.
      Graphical evolution of statistics over time.

      - Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.

      - Will be open source?
      No, the given php code could pose security problems for mmorpg-stat.eu

      - A short description of your developer / programming experience
      Server administrator, php, java, javascript, etc... use of a lot of programming language.

      -Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed )

      -Valid e-mail and the IP from which the Key will be used

      - Are you willing to help with extended testing?
      I've always been available to the community.

      Waiting for your answer,
      Friendly to the whole team.

    • API Key Application

      *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Tool for gathering and processing of espionage reports for the purpose of statistics and data gathering (know how often the farms replenish, what times of day is the best for farming and stuff like that), also storage and processing of combat reports for the same purpose.

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> Alliance

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> Maybe, after I'm done

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> 10+ years, specializing in PHP/Python

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> none, all my work is for my alliance at beest

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> sent over PM

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Definitely.
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> I wanna build a (simple) webtool to store and filter espionage reports

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> for me & my ally

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> maybe

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> I own win & linux servers for random things and have some expirience with C/C++, java, js, php & sql.

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> nothing that i can show off here :D

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> pm sent to @Shole

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> yeah, why not.
    • *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> <--

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> <--

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> <--

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> <--

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> <--

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> <--

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> <--
      Mi diverto con poco gioco a Ogame

      Uni Virgo
      Top 666.666

      The post was edited 2 times, last by giagia ().

    • Hello I want to translate the Spy Codes from the API to the actual Spy Reports.
      I'm trying to create a tool for aliances so they can internally knows what are the planets of their fellows in order to ask help if they are being attack.
      And also know where are the planets of the other members and create something visually atractive to let us know the information about our alliances and make decisions into it.

      I'm starting using this quite simple tool, I'm a Microsoft Certified Professional and I'd like to create a MVC app for the game.

      I started when this games was in Spain, back to 6 or 8 years ago. I re-started recently in Quantum for mexico, all the queries will be done from my public address.
      I'm available over skype in: jgortega928.

      *** Short description of tool to be developed using the API key ***
      --> Release a Spy and combat report converter using MVC 5 with C# 6.

      *** Scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International. ***
      --> For all player (public) but initially we will test it as Alliance.

      *** Will be open source? ***
      --> At start will be for the alliance and then for all public (at this stage is not intented to be free, but it will be cheap).

      *** A short description of your developer / programming experience ***
      --> C#,MVC, web apps, C, C++ and a lot of powershell lately.

      *** Link and description of previous work ( tools already developed ) ***
      --> None, I'm starting this from scratch.

      *** Valid e-mail and the IP (only IPv4 address and must be static IP) from which the Key will be used ( this is private information and can be sent separately only to Shole by PM ) ***
      --> I'll share it privately.

      *** Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability). ***
      --> Yes but i don't use IRC. I can be contacted anytime using regular skype: jgortega928 or skype for business: jortega@j0rt3g4.com.

      Thank you in advance

      Is it somebody attending this kind of requests?

      Jose Ortega.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by j0rt3g4: Is it somebody attending this kind of requests? ().