Google Chrome Extension : ++ (miner gameplay convenient in-game additions)

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  • Google Chrome Extension : OGame UI++ (miner gameplay convenient in-game additions)


    I created a google chrome extension a while ago, and some users asked me to register it here so it can be legit for them to use it.

    Here's the link : :censored:
    It's an open-source project, you can find the github repository here : :censored: Some other people have contributed already (mostly to add translations).

    I'll try to cover what the extension does in this thread, but the best would be that you install it in order to review it.

    Basically, it adds some informations in the in-game interface in order to make the miner-style gameplay more convenient. I tried to respect as much as possible the original UX, so I always use your graphical components and JS functions. The extensions add-ons are written in purple though, so people can know the additions come from this extension (when you have too many extensions it can get messy to know which feature is in which extension).

    I'd like the extension to be OK with you guys, so if there are some features that you would like to be changed in the extension, please let me know.