To be deleted

    • Devastating

    • "I wonder how a top 1 make an attack like this but then someone told me that the account as a new owner and that explains a lot...
      In the end i felt 40 places and he stills nº 1...but much more lighter"

      Niahh, u dont understand because u are not a fleeter, thats all. Profit is of course important at ogame, but we can have it from the farming, the real fun is from big battles, battles even without a profit, but HoF is HoF. The real fleeter wont count profit from the huge fight, he just want to crash the enemy fleet and count a % of the fight from the debris, thats all.

      In the end, he has some about 200kk in minus + top1 hof at universum, after collect almost all debris you are still 300kk in minus, he has still nice fleet in garage and you at the moment not.

      So finally grats to the aggressor, and fr to the defeated.

    • Brut wrote:

      Niahh, u dont understand because u are not a fleeter, thats all. Profit is of course important at ogame, but we can have it from the farming, the real fun is from big battles, battles even without a profit, but HoF is HoF. The real fleeter wont count profit from the huge fight, he just want to crash the enemy fleet and count a % of the fight from the debris, thats all.

      That's not how things work if you want to dominate over universe and achieve better, bigger future. Big % is not everything, player have chance to suicide his precious ships into first bunker near any time.
      I prefer smart gaming.
      One can possibly understand why Dona Custodia did what he did, but could not understand how makes -200 mil suicide #1st ranked account built by other player now any better. Can he as number one go after #2 or #3 ranked player anyway soon playing that way? Or he will stay satisfied with average?
    • Janusz wrote:

      Brut wrote:

      Niahh, u dont understand because u are not a fleeter, thats all. Profit is of course important at ogame, but we can have it from the farming, the real fun is from big battles, battles even without a profit, but HoF is HoF. The real fleeter wont count profit from the huge fight, he just want to crash the enemy fleet and count a % of the fight from the debris, thats all.
      That's not how things work if you want to dominate over universe and achieve better, bigger future. Big % is not everything, player have chance to suicide his precious ships into first bunker near any time.
      I prefer smart gaming.
      One can possibly understand why Dona Custodia did what he did, but could not understand how makes -200 mil suicide #1st ranked account built by other player now any better. Can he as number one go after #2 or #3 ranked player anyway soon playing that way? Or he will stay satisfied with average?
      Future of this universe, really? After so many bans? After so many crashed fleets by the cheaters? After so many players who just give up playing here, u are talking about future? :)

      U should understand that "dominate" means different to the players. Someone is playing only for points farming all the time with huge amount of BS - of course i agree, this is smart gaming, but smart gaming is boring. At my past universe some time ago i was domitate at my uni, belive me i wasnt top1, but i had propably the most scared fleet and the biggest amount of hofs, hofs with a profit, and hofs without it, just war hofs when the enemy fleet were down, the profit isnt the most important thing.

      Of course i have not at mind that fleeter should be a suicider who just crashing all arround him without a profit just for fun ending without a fleet and became a miner, nope. But sometimes we just do a big fights with +, and sometimes with -, but always this is a HoF - some important thing for the player who are playing with a fleet.

      Comparing fleet vs fleet to fleet vs bunker is not a point of my conversation. Bunker is boring as a smart playing, catching fleet on air is more exciting, can u agree?
    • Here are the factors that influenced my risk taking :

      1) Dona is a player who is progressing very fast and he takes lot of targets
      2) Galactic and Jango will be better in rankings, team spirit !
      3) I believe I exceeded 100kk profit in 3 days, The TUTO will confirm
      4) The fleet was rusting
      5) Before I had no mines, now yes
      6) The pleasure of such an attack is immense, I will have dreamed of doing it with my old account,
      7) The next will be very profitable I hope :D
      8 ) Respect to him of having left, I did not believe in it; But it was an option, like the fact that you lied to me on your 26 DeathStars coming back before my fleet

      Those who think of an error, never take risks, Do not be afraid in this game makes the difference ;) And dona, you rage to have lost your fleet, you also did not believe that I dared ;)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Athenacompet ().

    • bla bla bla bla

      Its wasn t a smart attack, finish.
      Its wasn t a funny attack, finish you don t win and you don t recycle.
      It could have cost you dearly. was an arrogant attack.
      The only advantage is that you take away Cobra from the air a few days

      He lost 300kk and you lost 180kk, your luck was that he had its edm in the air, If he had the edm on the floor you had lost had 400kk and he 200kk.

      If its was a good attack to you, why ask Cobra to withdraw the post?

      And the attack finish with a draw, it is not a hof Cobra :)
    • Finally I Can comment the hof (even if it's not there anymore :D )

      Saying that I'm not a particular fan of Mr. 35k cr per month account (even if as far as I can tell Athena is totally a different player) so I'm a bit influenced by that, I don't think I would have made the hit for two reasons:

      1) You knew you were not going to recycle anything, and being the hit not an important war cr (i've made myself some big war cr in the past without any profit Just to take out an enemy fleet) it doesn't make sense to me;
      2) you didn't know the exact size of Dona's fleet (i'm pretty sure he is not lying about the DS) so it could have really been a suicide hit.

      Said that, I can also imagine that being the fleet not yours and having the account a terrific margin on the second, it was "easier" to go on with the attack without caring much..I doubt you would have made it with your original account

      So, the numbers are (were :D ) huge, but still i don't like the hit..
    • ".I doubt you would have made it with your original account"

      It's wrong to know me, with Todesgeneral I was ready to do the same, except that I had called my recyclers earlier and I had it
      It was especially him who committed suicide, and lost his fleet, me mine is still there ...I missed 40M less than a minute too
      My pleasure is to destroy my enemies, each one his choices and his way of playing