Connect Graviton to Firepower of Deathstar

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Connect Graviton to Firepower of Deathstar

      At this moment (at least as I am aware of) you can research Graviton level 1, and that's it.

      Why not connect the level of Graviton with the firepower of a deathstar?

      It has a basic attack value of 200,000.

      Why not add another 10% for each graviton level till graviton level 10 is reached and make it 20% increase in firepower and 10% increase in speed when graviton level 11 is researched, and further on.

      Reaching that level 11 is a very far goal, but it is something to work to. It gives the deathstar more purpose, also giving it some more speed would make things a lot more interesting.

      You could describe this as that researches have found ways to fold space better due to harmonic amplifiers normally used in Gauss cannons (whatever) and that it makes the Deathstar go faster after researching level 11, which basically becomes "Warp Technology".

      You could do that, rename it to "Warp Technology" after level 11 Graviton has been researched.
    • This is a very bad idea for two reasons:

      You talk about graviton lv 10 or more, but i'm pretty sure that you didn't look at the costs. As i know, the max level ever reached for graviton is 6, in high speed universes with accounts of hundred millions points (and from the few guys who wanted this "glory").
      But why someone should do this?

      1. Let's make some assumptions:
        - if we do this we already have a deathstar's fleet. Let's take 500 rips.
        - we have a quite hot planet in position 4, 100° max temp could be fair.
        - Let's put to 0 the risk of being interrupted (with this we are ignoring probably the MAIN problem but it's a bad idea also in this way)

        e.g. researching graviton 4 will cost in that planet 704.348.000 Crystal and 176.087.000 Deuterium
        This will add (40k*500) 20.000.000 to your total firepower.

        Now instead let's spend those res for more RIPs: with ratios 3:2:1 we can build 88 new RIPs, adding 17.600.000 base attack damage. to this you have to sum the bonus from gravi 1,2,3 and the bonus from weapon tech, so you effectively earn surely more than 44.000.000 firepower.
        More, in this way you'll add also more than to your total structural integrity and more than 11.000.000 to your shields.

        So what's the point of doing this? Further levels will be always less cost-effective, if you are thinking to it.

      2. This is even more important: Add firepower to a RIP is 99% of the cases completely useless.
        This happens because, excluding other RIPs, the deathstars oneshot everything and so waste most of their firepower. Adding more firepower means dealing exactly the same damage, wasting all you spent for that upgrade.
        In fact for a ripper also the weapon tech is nearly completely useless, while shield and armor ones are essentials.
        The exception is when most of the defending fleet is composed by deathstars, but also here you can easily check that the number is critically more effective than the firepower
      #6 Retro server - Fra [N O X]
      #5 - Fra.. [Dynamic]
    • I didn't looked at the costs, no. But I see this more like a challenge.

      Why are there miner with astrophysics levels 25 or even 27? If you consider how much these levels costs and how much mines you could have build from these resources then you can consider these levels also wasted.

      There comes a point in which a new planet will take more than 50 years to "earn" back what the Astro 27 has cost.

      But nevertheless, players do it.
      It's not always to gain maximum profit, but to reach a certain level.