A solution for dying universes and more profit possibility for Gameforge

    • Acquire and obtain players

    • A solution for dying universes and more profit possibility for Gameforge

      Hello everyone, I wanted to share you an idea to prevent dying of universes. First of all, I would like to say that I didn`t make a detailed search so if some of the ideas suggested here is suggested before by different people, I apologize.

      First new universes should be announced much less frequently but ,of course, just doing that would decrease the number of total players(even though the number of players can be more for a universe, there would be less player in total since opportunity to start from the same level is not given that frequently.) and also would decrease the profit of the company so it is definitely not an option, not alone at least!

      So here are some steps:

      1) Announce universes less frequently, the older universes die much faster if the universes are announced like every two months. i.e. making it once a year would be fine.

      2) Introducing an insurance officer to the game. An insurance officer going to be introduced to the game and the working principle explained below.

      -It is availability is just going to be similar to other officers. Give dark matter, have it for a time period.( More profit for the company)
      -It will give you resources of 15% percent of your every military loses in every case. The place of the battle, the kind of ship etc. are not going to be relevant. You lose something, you get the 15% percent of its cost. The resources are going to be obtained manually through a window, you are going to be able reclaim it in any planet any time(to avoid the lose of the resource by next attacks). The percentage given here is just an idea of me just like everything else and it can be different. The good thing is while player can benefit a lot from this feature, the other players are not going to be bothered that much and actually prefer it because it increases the chances that player will recover and continue the uni. .

      3) Redesigning honor point system. Explained below.
      Strong/newbie status is going to be same for all points= 5 times less overall point is newbie, 5 times more overall point is strong.
      hp target = anyone above your overall point or have military points more than 1/5 of yours. Satisfying one condition is going to be enough.

      The titles are going to be assigned same way as it is. However, they are going to be different.

      Bandits = Same. They get raid 100% of their resources.
      Bandit lords = They get raid 100% of their resources and have disadvantage of -1 espionage technique.
      Bandit kings = They get raid 100% of their resources and have disadvantage of -2 espionage technique.

      Star lord = They get raid by -25% bonus. (So if they are hp target they get raid 50%, if not 25%.)
      Emperor = They get raid by -25% bonus and have advantage of +1 fleet slot.
      Grand emperor = They get raid by-25% bonus, advantage of +1 fleet slot and %10 production bonus for all resources and all planets.

      Suggestion 1 keeps the number of universes low, thus increasing their density.Suggestion 2 provides better recovery option and more profit in general for both parties(player and the company) while it is not going to be bothering for other players. Suggestion 3 provides better protection for weak players and encourage players to pick fight with their equals or the player stronger than them.The players in general do not continue a uni. because it is difficult to recover or do not participate in older universes because they do not want to get bashed by others who got head-start.

      For the conclusion, I think these features can encourage people to continue and register in older universes; also can increase the number of total players. Also provides more possibility of profit for the company(from new officer and higher number of players). If it is desired, a story for suggestions can also be provided.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by actias ().

    • Register in older Universes, for people, who as newcomers will not be aware of such particularities as suggested in the first place? I'm afraid it's not an encouragement at all, moreover, what points 2 and 3 are actually able to provide is an increased departure rate among the old-timers with a more or less retained interest in the project. Why so? Well, because this is a strategical, competitive game and not a nursery room in the kindergarten where complaisant Gameforge Fairy babysits those who simply are careless about finding out which tactical moves, when and why should be made. :) You can add about 100 new officers into the game, make them fleetsave for these players, follow proper fleet ratios and choose the targets with an exceptionally-beneficial approach, but, once these features run out, a fleetcrash will happen, no matter what "top" number is written beside these players' names.

      With this thing in mind, we'll quickly be able to realize what kind of players are going to be the ones to receive benefits from your option, accounting we have already excluded the above-described type. To shorten the story a little bit, I'll just limit myself to the prediction that such an officer will mostly be serving the purpose of providing raiding-assurance cover-ups to the first 100 players on the Universe's ladder, as well as potentially leading to the emergence of opportunity of swiftly-demounting multiple unwanted fleets in favor of one account with zero DM input.

      And the 3rd item is tremendously-intimidating, since for someone staying in charge of the Universe's top 10 fleet account, your change would practically mean that anything below top 350 becomes literally invincible, in other words, you seem to be forgetting or not comprehending the fact that fleeting in OGame basically means obtaining profit from wherever contending part the opportunity presents, and that rule is as equal for someone commanding top 1000 fleet as it is for the one staying at the very top. Ultimately for the fleeter, the ship numbers only represent the amount of time they've spent in thoroughly & successfully locating and obtaining profits from certain targets, so judging what correlation levels between top 10, top 100 and the fleets rated around 500 should be only from the values which were invested into the building of these navies is generally wrong, and mostly represents amateur miner's outlook. Ironically, even players like me, whose playstyle is much more inclined towards economy-expanding aspect, are still well-aware of such traits and how they, as well as any changes to them, affect the game. :)

      The post was edited 13 times, last by Smoke Nightvogue ().