Login is closed for Retro server

    • Evagelan wrote:

      12 years ago, a lot of elements in the equation asking "how did it worked" were different :

      - internet browsers were different (firefox 4.0 then, firefox 48 now).

      - PHP code as an example, was different in 2005 than now (same reason : the code has evolved / changed for a part of it).

      - Network are much more complicated now (questions like 'how to secure a server ?' and 'how to secure each user of the game ?' have different answers now than before.

      So the code of the "new" retro universe from 2016 has to be adapted from the old code, otherwise it would not be able to work. And by adapted I mean it took a lot of work from Devlatron to enable the old code to be compatible with our "modern" internet.

      In addition, I do not believe for a second that GF is at the origin of the problems on retro server. The announcement was explicit regarding the lack of technical support for retro, but because retro is a part of the image of the "good old days" of Ogame, I think GF has no interrest to see it down. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure they would be very happy to see Retro universe working, remember that some GF employes -especially one- worked on their own time on this project (adaptation of the old universe code to modern internet).

      We have to wait, and please I hope nobody will become part of those random guys who see conspiracy everywhere. Some hackers and cheaters were skilled enough to find weaknesses on the code to cheat / to hack accounts / etc. They are to blame (and the code which is not perfect of course, and let those hackers breack through), no one else.

      Greetings to eveyone, hope you are all dealing as good as you can with the lack of our favorite internet drug :D

      I would like to say sincere THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the answer.
    • Maybe you should go the easiest way to get a support and no advantages such as dark matter or commander introduce but simply an abo have where you pay 5 € in the month for which one can play on the server and everything runs really well. (Game moderators the really also cheater and bug user / ip obfuscation and all sowas find so that one very gladly the money pays to possibly restart and give the whole a real permanent chance
      There is no sign of mental health to adapt to a deeply disturbed society.
    • Kanc1erz wrote:

      Evagelan wrote:

      12 years ago, a lot of elements in the equation asking "how did it worked" were different :

      - internet browsers were different (firefox 4.0 then, firefox 48 now).

      - PHP code as an example, was different in 2005 than now (same reason : the code has evolved / changed for a part of it).

      - Network are much more complicated now (questions like 'how to secure a server ?' and 'how to secure each user of the game ?' have different answers now than before.

      but this dont explains because for one year it work very well, and the bugs appears only now.
      for me, the retro server was a strategy to call old players of ogame, with hope that they go to other universe when the retro close, after one year.
    • other people, other "retro" experiences. my retro experience was before v0.327 when def went into the debris field.

      but i think we all can agree that "retro" was before p2w (dm, commanders), right?
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Daidegas wrote:

      but this dont explains because for one year it work very well, and the bugs appears only now.for me, the retro server was a strategy to call old players of ogame, with hope that they go to other universe when the retro close, after one year.

      I understand this argument, and have nothing to say for or against it. It is a legitimate one.

      But just to add some facts : Retro universe was the same in june 2016 than it was in february 2017 (or close to the same version). But back in september 2016, some suspicions about the validity of some combats started a series of events. After the first doubts and some tickets sent to the operatorw, it appears that some players and/or hackers have found weaknesses in the code : The possibility to access accounts, the possibility to attack the server, and the possibility to cheat on a particular account were only problems we (we=players of retro) saw late after this server openned. That is why it occurs only 8-9 months after :)

      The differences are : the attacks on retro server are stronger than before, some players used bugs / weaknesses of the code and were caught with their hands on the cookie jar. To put it in a nutshell : the problems were already there, but we just learned about it for the last two months.

      @Kanc1erz : You're welcome. I know very little with precision, but I'm glad if those explanations helped :)

      French player - wordreference user :D
    • Daidegas wrote:

      but this dont explains because for one year it work very well, and the bugs appears only now.
      Actually, this was explained multiple times too. In irc and I think even in this thread.

      Like @Evagelan said. There was a bug/weak spot in the code (and GF didn't know of it until a few months ago). Which did result in a bug fix (they didn't told us about this bug fix). But this bug fix lead to the first public known duplication bug and therefore the first server down. I think that the server was updated about 3 days before the first server down.

      There is a theory out there which assumes that m3ntol was banned because of exploiting this weak spot. Some others think that Lonewolf did exploit it too, only not this greedy. I don't know if these theories are right or wrong. But it seems you like conspiracy theories, and this one has a better fundamental base.
    • Conspiracy theories or not, the more time pass without any information the less sense is there to even bother or care for it. Guessing that they are doing the best as they can is pretty much the same as guessing that they are doing nothing at all regarding this and we waste our time here. Because if anyone would care even a bit, we would get at least a brief infomation where we are at and what to expect after several WEEKS of downtime.

      Some of you expressed some sympathies and understanding for gameforge. But what for? Do you know something more than the rest of the players? As example that they actively work on this matter? Considering me there's no a slight reason for understanding as long they don't bother to give us one.
      Simple RFO (reason for outage) and what's coming next is something what even most obscure companies give to their user base within first days (or rather hours) of downtime, but those gameforge buffons aren't capable to write one simple information in a several weeks (and counting ...) of downtime.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • out of curiosity (and since i Guess the weakness in the code will be amended IF the server will be back again) what were the bugs discovered by the cheaters?

      I think everyone had dubts on many CR since it is easier to catch moon-df fleetsaves in this version but not that Easy to catch one moon-df fleetsave every night to skilled players..

      PM are also ok if it is not possible to write in the board :D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by WiZ^ ().

    • TGWo wrote:

      @Sorcy ........ if for example tomorrow will arrive this news:
      "there is a problem of security in code, but we don't know how many time request to manage code or if we will be able to fix it. Sorry".

      With this example what will be your reply ?
      Do you think that it is impossible that situation is this ?

      i believe this would be the first time this gets communicated on the board (rather than irc, which for me would mean leave a programm open 24/7 and read what was said, rather than going here, read what was said and close tab) so i would be cool with that.

      WiZ^ wrote:

      out of curiosity (and since i Guess the weakness in the code will be amended IF the server will be back again) what were the bugs discovered by the cheaters?

      I think everyone had dubts on many CR since it is easier to catch moon-df fleetsaves in this version but not that Easy to catch one moon-df fleetsave every night to skilled players..

      PM are also ok if it is not possible to write in the board :D
      it is easier to catch moon-df fleetsaves but not easy to catch one moon-df fleetsave?
      i believe this is attributed to language barrier but explain pls
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • TGWo wrote:

      @Sorcy ........ if for example tomorrow will arrive this news:
      "there is a problem of security in code, but we don't know how many time request to manage code or if we will be able to fix it. Sorry".

      With this example what will be your reply ?
      Do you think that it is impossible that situation is this ?
      My previous post above already replyed to your question: Considering me there's no a slight reason for understanding as long they don't bother to give us one.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si