Possible idea for future banned accs?

    • Possible idea for future banned accs?

      Hello everybody what a lovely day, hope u having a great time!
      I have a question for the team members and and all the good people of this small community
      hypothetically speaking
      and i know it like not right to talk about bans on board, but as we players cant see why and by whom we are banned, should there be like maybe an option for a public court?
      like if a certain player wants t take his ban to public so everyone can watch, is that even possbile or are u as a team not allowed to do that things, is that like forbiden bi the gameforge it self or is that forbidden by the team who runs certain board/uni etc. ?
      i mean i think it would be good idea something like that, what about u guys, what do u think?
      and as we are on the bans and stuff like that for todays topic
      what should a certain person/player do if they are banned and cant get an answer to why are they banned exactly?
      Like for example if some random person is banned and whenever he tries to contact the team he gets an aswer in one short sentence that means absolutely nothing and is told that he cant and wont get a detailed answer, what should that person do? what are his/her options, and before someone tells u should try to get people in higher positions inside the team to contact, but what if they dont reply and wont talk to either? what should the person do in that position?

      I hope as many of u get on this non existent case, and share your opinions and solutions
      just remember be pleasant respectful of eachother, we are just talking about some imaginary situation
      Hope every last one of u is having a great day and that it continues like that :)))))

      ps. if i posted this in a wrong section i would like for mods to move this in a right section of the board, and if the subject of the thread is inappropriate im really sry, u can change it to whatever u like to :)))

    • Public discussion about ban is prohibited in any way you can think about it.. You can also tell at other people that you are banned for motive X , but in that way this could be interesting other people ?
      Of course you want to tell that you are banned, to complain in public about it, and this is prohibited.

      There is case in that staff cannot give a complete answer about motive of ban, because there are informations that could help players to understand how work controlls and then to be more easy around them.

      if you don't like answer received at your ticket, there is a botton to move at upper level of staff ............ from GO to SGO, from SGO to GA , from GA to Team Manager (when exist) or to CoMa, etc

    • We all know that the situation is not exactly "hypothetical"...

      But I agree with you, M3ntol. Pillory (also called ban list somewhere) has been public (*) for a long time before they decided to hide it (for foreseeable reasons). And the game has lost an important piece with this.

      (*) In fact in many board there's still the link to https://*server code*.ogame.gameforge.com/game/pranger.php (that they disabled, redirecting you to the game). Also here is possible to go to ogame1304.de/game/pranger.php, getting a "Sorry, no access!" message.
      #6 Retro server - Fra [N O X]
      #5 Andromeda.us - Fra.. [Dynamic]

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Canarefr ().

    • Its a shame you cannot see "banned list" it existed in .BA version long time ago, and .org or .de or whatever it is dosent support it. Hah, what can you say.

      Anyway, i think there is no reason to hide "reason" for baning players, also whole team dosent do any job, as i came on IRC today and noone even responded.

      And what means "origin crew" like a car wash cheerleaders or am i mistaking?
    • Yeah noone responded, right, you might need some glasses:
      [05-04-17_00:13:56] <vaio> evening
      [05-04-17_00:21:01] <NoMoreAngel> hi

      Also the pillory was removed on all communitys at the same time and won't come back, no matter how much you complain. The reason were some changes in german law or so.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief
    • TGWo wrote:

      Public discussion about ban is prohibited in any way you can think about it.. You can also tell at other people that you are banned for motive X , but in that way this could be interesting other people ?
      Of course you want to tell that you are banned, to complain in public about it, and this is prohibited.

      There is case in that staff cannot give a complete answer about motive of ban, because there are informations that could help players to understand how work controlls and then to be more easy around them.

      if you don't like answer received at your ticket, there is a botton to move at upper level of staff ............ from GO to SGO, from SGO to GA , from GA to Team Manager (when exist) or to CoMa, etc
      Thats very interesting... than how is it possible that some players in this universe know the reason of banning m3ntol but he does not know? Does that mean that those players understand how controlls work?
      Dont get me wrong, this is not discussion of the ban its just simple answer to inform incoming players to know with which they are dealing.
    • dr No wrote:

      Thats very interesting... than how is it possible that some players in this universe know the reason of banning m3ntol but he does not know? Does that mean that those players understand how controlls work?Dont get me wrong, this is not discussion of the ban its just simple answer to inform incoming players to know with which they are dealing.
      Probably some players suppose the reason of that ban. I don't believe that someone can have more informations if M3ntol really hasn't got a clear reply yet. The fact that someone says "it's pushing" (or bashing, payment, bot using or whatever they think) and you guys believe that they know the reason of the ban, just makes the GO believe that he is right. You are not helping your mate so much in this way.

      The pillory removal is a choice of the GameForge (wrong also in my opinion, but this is not the point), we can't complain about that with a GO/SGO because they can't do anything about that.
      The only one who can have and give a clarification is M3ntol via ticket system, let him solve the thing with the support. If he's right they will remove the ban, just need some time. Remember that a GO is not paid, we can't blame him if he's not 24/7 here, you can maybe just blame the GF for this choice.

      Anyways i don't think that there's a game problem that can't be handled by anyone in the support until TM and CoMa, as @vida is back said.

      Edit: I mean, maybe the problem that cannot be solved is about not having enough proofs for banning a certain player, but when they give the ban there are surely some reasons. Reasons that could be wrong and this is one of the pourposes of the ticket system.
      #6 Retro server - Fra [N O X]
      #5 Andromeda.us - Fra.. [Dynamic]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Canarefr ().

    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      Yeah noone responded, right, you might need some glasses:
      [05-04-17_00:13:56] <vaio> evening
      [05-04-17_00:21:01] <NoMoreAngel> hi

      Also the pillory was removed on all communitys at the same time and won't come back, no matter how much you complain. The reason were some changes in german law or so.

      That's correct, you can't name and shame customers on public pillory list, but this apply for clients (only for paid version of ogame) by german law.
    • dr No wrote:

      ... than how is it possible that some players in this universe know the reason of banning m3ntol but he does not know?

      Don't be naive my friend. We're always blind overprotecting fools when ally buddies get into trouble, but have on your mind one thing. You're not sitting near anyone's keyboard and you can vouch only for yourself. You can be sure that your friend know more than well why he's banned.
    • If you want to write in your signature "m3ntol banned for bashing for 3 days" (of course is an example), probably you can do.
      Sure you cannot open a thread wrting "m3ntol banned for bashing for 3 days .......... what do you think?"
      Any words wrote in email/pm/ticket that you can receive is personal and private, so you cannot share.

    • TGWo wrote:

      If you want to write in your signature "m3ntol banned for bashing for 3 days" (of course is an example), probably you can do.
      Sure you cannot open a thread wrting "m3ntol banned for bashing for 3 days .......... what do you think?"
      Any words wrote in email/pm/ticket that you can receive is personal and private, so you cannot share.
      hmm yea ok i guess, but if all i receive is personal and private and i dont mind sharing it, in the end it affects me and only me, nobody else has anything do to with that
      and i still cant share? Is that strictly forbidden? does it says anything about that in the rules of ogame, or ogame board, because i couldnt find anything
      because in the rules of ogame board which i found in last 2 days actually nothing says about that, we just need to be respectfull of eachother :)
      and isnt the only purpose oh this team here to actually help and talk with the players?
      Isnt the team like obligated to explain the reasons of a ban?
      thank you for your answers :)
    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      The reason were some changes in german law or so.

      i would really like to see a quote on that. all i remember is some GF staff going bonkers on rule enforcing giving different punishments for same actions. ofc the forums went wild in a crusade for justice but what can you do without an actual say in this except for giving up your addiction...

      TGWo wrote:

      Any words wrote in email/pm/ticket that you can receive is personal and private, so you cannot share.

      and this, ladies and gentleman, is why we have this big fat "forward" (or sth like that) button in outlook. because we cant cannot share. and even mustnt mustnot we can, since there is no written rule about it (at least visible to the gamer). as stated above: gameforge officials have 'interesting ways of enforcing rules'. i am still waiting on an explanation for the removing of my avatar. since i want to do better, improve and maybe put some gore, sex or violence in it in order to have it stay. i looked at some avatars on this forum and jesus mine is very liberal in comparison.
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby