Universe Health Report

    • Universe Health Report


      in middle of October 2016 I started to collect some statistics about the universe.
      Usually I collected them twice a day, ones after the 8 o'clock update and ones in the evening.

      First the statistics and their representative colors in the chart:
      Blue = Number of accounts in the universe (taken from overview page)
      Red = Number of accounts in the highscore (taken from the last statistics page)
      Green = Number of accounts with at least 1 point
      Violet = Number of accounts with at least 5.000 points
      Yellow = Blue - Red = Number of accounts not in the highscore (aka dead accounts)

      Some explanation:
      Dead accounts are accounts, which haven't build anything yet and are not banned. Because of this, they don't appear in the highscore. Usually there wasn't even a login in the account, yet.
      As of the 02.04.2017 we have more dead accounts than accounts with at least 5'000 points in the universe. Under the assumption that the rate of growth stays constant, we will have more dead accounts than normal accounts in about 1.5 months. Of course we can clearly see that it isn't constant, so it will take more time. I would guess about 2 - 2.5 months.

      I just wanted to share some information about the health of the universe, so everyone can see what has become of the retro universe, feel free to discuss!

      P.S. the current (02.04.2017 ~08:10) numbers are:
      Blue = 2328
      Red = 1319
      Green = 1192
      Violet = 1007
      Yellow = 1009

      PP.S: Thx @NoMoreAngel for inserting the pic

      The post was edited 6 times, last by Jango ().

    • The dying rate is obvious in a game like ogame. And some choices like the absence of the ACS and the impossibility to punish many bot users don't help to keep a server healty, because little fishes have no way to hit in short time a big ones, and unfair advantages are much heavier.
      Anyways there's an important fact that slows the leaving rate significantly: people know that there's not another retro server. This is an huge difference because many players who started late or are behind prefer to fill the gap with some true gaming instead of think "ok, i'll try again to be a top when they'll open the next server in a few weeks".

      This, in my opinion, is keeping the server relatively alive even with the negative aspects, if we compare with any other local server opened in the last years.
      #6 Retro server - Fra [N O X]
      #5 Andromeda.us - Fra.. [Dynamic]
    • Canarefr wrote:

      the impossibility to punish many bot users
      ... and legal push accs

      Canarefr wrote:

      many players who started late or are behind prefer to fill the gap with some true gaming
      yeah, I think so too. Nostalgia is strong :)

      I can't compare with other universes because I haven't played in a while and I mainly played the old revival/retro universe (german u20).
      BTW: This universe was closed in October 2014, due to security reasons. If I remember correctly it had around 1k users at this time, but and that is the huge difference, only a few dead accounts (accs with 0 points).

      These dead accounts are the big thing which keeps me curious, why do we have this many?
      Some reasons I could think of:
      • These accs are only deleted after 35 days (this is different to all other universes)
      • Some accs aren't deleted at all (the system ignores them somehow)
      • Many are created by spam bots (or something else) and they aren't able to log in
      • Some players try to exploit them, invisible DFs, pushing etc

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jango ().

    • Jango wrote:

      ... and legal push accs
      Yeah, also that. I think that A LOT of accounts are here only for pushing purpouses.

      Also very interested point about dead accounts, their growing rate is's actually really weird. Because they are the only typology of accounts that grows in number.
      This sounds weird to me because, in normal conditions, as long as they are inactive accounts, they should be autodeleted after the usual 35d. If they grow up, it means (always in normal conditions) that more account are created than the deleted ones. More new accounts today means more accounts deleted in the next month, so always higher creation rate of new accounts. Or someone should keep them active, but what could be the point?

      I don't think that this is possible, so there must be something wrong with the deletion system. Maybe only the accounts in the highscores are deleted by the system. We should find some of these accounts an track if his inactivity goes over 35d.
      #6 Retro server - Fra [N O X]
      #5 Andromeda.us - Fra.. [Dynamic]
    • Now that the server was reopened, I want to show a little comparison between the day before closing and now.

      €dit: About 15 banned accounts were deleted during the server down. So about 26 were banned because of the bug.

      07.03.2017 23:1019.03.2017 14:00
      Blue23382187#Accounts in the universe
      Red13011188#Accounts in the highscore
      Green11421037#Accounts >= 1 point
      Violet973899#Accounts >= 5k points
      Yellow1037999#Dead accounts
      #Banned7786#Banned accounts

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Jango ().

    • Today would be the first birthday of the retro universe! To make a closing remake, I will post now the last user numbers of the universe, etc.

      12.10.2016 23:0018.10.2016 08:1030.04.2017 16:10
      Blue335132542201#Accounts in the universe
      Red288827721178#Accounts in the highscore
      Green-25681017#Accounts >= 1 point
      Violet-2031861#Accounts >= 5k points
      Yellow4634821023#Dead accounts
      Turquoise--87#Banned accounts (perma)

      I did some other statistics, too. Showing the points of players on place: #1, #10, #50, #100, #200, #1000 and #1500

      Best regards & cheers,

      €dit: The charts are painted with google charts, I used the "function" type, which isn't the best choice and therefore the charts sometimes look a bit odd. But I'm too lazy now to change it.