Ok, I wish to proposean idea for two new forms of technology research that are linked toeach other.
The first one is:
AI Technology(Artificial Intelligence)
Research into the useof AI's to control ships navigation systems during jumps throughhyperspace due to the unpredictability of hyperspace as opposed to“normal space” An AI has the processing power to navigate throughhyperspace accurately, it makes course corrections along the way.Current AI's are limited to weapon, shield control and generalfunctions, research into this will allow access to “smarter” AI'sthat can be installed on-board all ships.
After a certain amountof levels this research will unlock a new technology.
Now the second one:
Advanced AI
Research into AItechnology has made AI's more affordable, research into this willinstall AI's in Battle Cruisers, Bombers and Destroyers. Deathstars,due to their size will require a considerable amount of research intothis technology before they can be considered compatible. Smallerships and those with non-combat functions lack the processingcapacity an Advanced AI needs, so they do not receive the upgrades.
Alright, now what thisdoes is further boost the speed of the aforementioned ships by about10-20%, each level of research. 20% faster for Battlecruisers, 10%for Bombers, Destroyers and Deathstars. It should ideally be a veryexpensive technology to research and require a bit more energy thanis needed to fuel Graviton lv1. Lv 1 will unlock AI's for BattleCruisers and Bombers, lv 2 Destroyers, lv 3 Deathstars.
That is my proposal, Ieven included my own example of how I would describe them
What doyou think? It's something new for people who have already unlockedeverything and is not too game-breaking.
The first one is:
AI Technology(Artificial Intelligence)
Research into the useof AI's to control ships navigation systems during jumps throughhyperspace due to the unpredictability of hyperspace as opposed to“normal space” An AI has the processing power to navigate throughhyperspace accurately, it makes course corrections along the way.Current AI's are limited to weapon, shield control and generalfunctions, research into this will allow access to “smarter” AI'sthat can be installed on-board all ships.
After a certain amountof levels this research will unlock a new technology.
Now the second one:
Advanced AI
Research into AItechnology has made AI's more affordable, research into this willinstall AI's in Battle Cruisers, Bombers and Destroyers. Deathstars,due to their size will require a considerable amount of research intothis technology before they can be considered compatible. Smallerships and those with non-combat functions lack the processingcapacity an Advanced AI needs, so they do not receive the upgrades.
Alright, now what thisdoes is further boost the speed of the aforementioned ships by about10-20%, each level of research. 20% faster for Battlecruisers, 10%for Bombers, Destroyers and Deathstars. It should ideally be a veryexpensive technology to research and require a bit more energy thanis needed to fuel Graviton lv1. Lv 1 will unlock AI's for BattleCruisers and Bombers, lv 2 Destroyers, lv 3 Deathstars.
That is my proposal, Ieven included my own example of how I would describe them