version 6.3.7 & Startpage update

    • version 6.3.7 & Startpage update

      This version will go live on PTS tomorrow, Wednesday 15th around 14:00,
      if everything is alright it should be set up on the live servers next week on Wednesday 22nd around 14:00.
      During the time of the updates, players may not be able to reach the game and/or be logged out.

      Change log 6.3.7

      [Polishing] Redesign of the validation overlay and icon (also for mobile view)
      [Polishing] Adding a button to send again the validation mail in settings
      [Polishing] Redesign of the welcome mail (now HTML mails)
      [Polishing] Adding image at the tutorial screen
      [Polishing] Some changes for non-validated accounts *
      [Bug fix] Premium Feature: Jump gate standard target doesn't work
      [Bug fix] Problem with text, in fleet movement page (FR)
      [Bug fix] Combat report: Wrong amount of needed recycler displayed
      [Bug fix] Validation: wider window while being on settings
      [Bug fix] Item count in production overview is always 0
      [Bug fix] Not possible to enable the reception of push notifications (works now for the iPad app)

      * If you are not validated, you can write 10 messages / 24h to other players. You can just have 1 buddy request open and changing systems in the galaxy cost deuterium (as it was before). We also removed the restrictions of some disabled menu parts after 3 days. You also can enter the galaxy menu now if you are not validated (obviously).

      If you are not validated and you do it for the first time e.g. if you register an account, you get a present icon displayed below the menu and a new validation overlay is displayed if you click on it. If you validate for the first time you will get the well known Dark Matter reward, which is now also listed in the new welcome mail. If you change your mail later, you need to validate again, but you don´t get any reward. Have in mind if you don´t validate you will have the above listed minor restrictions!
      If you buy the commander, you will not have any restriction, while not being validated.

      OGame Start page 9.1.0

      Change log for the start-page / landing page

      [New Feature] Adding a nickname generator to the username registration field *
      [New Feature] Landing page now also uses the new name generator instead of those imperator nicknames
      [Polishing] The Universe selection is now on bottom, for the registration form on the start page, for the registration form on the landing page and also for the login form
      [Polishing] The Board link is now present as button, while the board tab/link was exchanged with the wiki tab/link
      [Polishing] The minimum password length is now 4 digits instead of 8

      * The nickname generator generates a nickname consisting of 2 parts. It should only create a nickname, which is not in use for your selected server. If you switch the selected server, it checks if the nickname is in use or not and depending on the result it generates a new nickname or the current generated one will stay.


      There is a chance more things will be added before this goes on live servers. So stay tuned for more.

    • Update is done for Startpage / Landingpage and the game aswell.

      So far we reported some minor CSS issues on the startpage and those will be fixed before the update goes live next week. If you find any issue in the game, startpage or landingpage. Feel free to report them, so we can forward the issues to the developers.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • The pioneers startpage will get an update today. Those Display issues will get fixed and some links get corrected.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • All pioneers servers will get the latest 6.3.7 final version today.

      Including a better visiblilty of the tutorial icon if there are undone tutorial steps and a change for the support link in game for validated accounts.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.