Why did you stop playing OGame ?

    • Why did you stop playing OGame ?


      We want to discuss another issue which should help us to further improve Ogame, the reason why you stopped playing Ogame. This will help us to improve Ogame more effectively.

      We want to hear your accurate and objective reasons why you either stopped playing or are considering to do so. Please explain only your own reasons, not those you've heard from other players, and try to use as much detail as possible.
      And of course we are also open to suggestions/ideas which you think might entice former players to re-enter the world of Ogame.

      Regards, Francolino

      The german original thread board.ogame.de/board410-ogame-…uf-sehr-streng-moderiert/
    • Well, basicly, this applies to me and most i've played together with.
      I stopped playing after months in "dead" universes, even the new uni's.
      It was bearlable as long as i had a few friends to play with, however, after a while they quit playing due to the lack of players on our servers and playing this game alone is no fun.. :P
    • In old universes.... the play is very boring :( Not only because there aren't players and is impossible to attack someone, waht's more the strong players don't recieve attacks.

      In my case for example: I'm top1 and I don't get any spionage for anybody... since at least 18 months ago. OGame is a war game, but if I have not fear, it hasn't got emotion.

      I always say the same, the merge of universes should be the first priority for GF, because all other features won't do nothing if there aren't players into servers ;(
    • Well I havent quit ogame yet but I can tell you what is keeping me in this game, talks of the merger. Im going to give it till chrismas (maybe after) It nothing solid on the merger happens by then I will more then likely quit.

      Main reason people quit is simple. GF doesnt keep its main players happy. There idea is if there uni is dead we will release a new one. This brings in a flux of players too that uni for the first two months then it dies down. All GF is doing is recycleing its current players lossing more and more along the way cause the game has so many severs. A new player joins ogame knowing nothing of what uni to pick. He goes off and is unlucky to join we'll say uni 14, completely dead, he plays awhile. No one talks too him and theres no action he leaves.

      Some are lucky and join an active uni and stay. Now I know well unis will die, you cant keep them going forever. But what you can do is give them the kiss of life by combeing afew died unis together bring ing more ppl together lowering the amount of severs and raising the chances of new players joining and staying cause he will have more players his rank around him playing.

      Other main reason is ogame has released nothing of value to keep players playing like new techs, ships, buildings. At the end of the day ogame is a one trick donkey. Last good thing that was bought too the game was the battlecrs. You I wouldnt count the planet movement idea or the RD anything that would keep a player playing. The RD was only a shiny new skin at the end of the day and the planet movement thing is very expensive. I have used it twice but in a dead uni it aint worth forking out 15euro to hit one player out in g4 with zero other worthwhile targets around him.

      Why dont GF bring in new ships and techs, some sort of cargo with a massive res hold, or a tech that increases your battle techs overall value by 2% or something. Give us more to do. There aint alot structure wise in this game.

      There are so many reasons players quit but the main will always be unis dying and this can be solved my mergering unis every 1-2 years. When they die down. But GF needs to learn not to leave it till the last second. If you merged unis 21-25 in .org, Electra would still have more players. If the merger happened over a year ago that wouldnt be the case.

      But I dont know you ask for our opinions but at the end of the day the 5% you actually take from us it takes GF about 2years to do anything and by that time its too late, even the merger. If thats left too late it will be pointless doing the might aswell close down the game. You cant expect a player to wait forever.

      A prime example of this was the update 1.4.0 for .org, was ment to be released on the 3rd, we told there was a delay and it will be another day maybe more. Its the 11th now. If GF cant keep its word why shuold we stay for things that may never happen
    • AbioticViper wrote:

      A prime example of this was the update 1.4.0 for .org, was ment to be released on the 3rd, we told there was a delay and it will be another day maybe more. Its the 11th now. If GF cant keep its word why shuold we stay for things that may never happen
      would you rather have an update delayed and be delivered properly or an update rushed and cause untold problems and bugs? In Ogame.us we got the 1.4.0 update then the 1.4.1 update straight after, qucikly followed by a 1.4.2 update. we're now on 1.4.3...
      It's much better to have it delayed and then delivered properly ;)
    • Kebab wrote:

      AbioticViper wrote:

      A prime example of this was the update 1.4.0 for .org, was ment to be released on the 3rd, we told there was a delay and it will be another day maybe more. Its the 11th now. If GF cant keep its word why shuold we stay for things that may never happen
      would you rather have an update delayed and be delivered properly or an update rushed and cause untold problems and bugs? In Ogame.us we got the 1.4.0 update then the 1.4.1 update straight after, qucikly followed by a 1.4.2 update. we're now on 1.4.3...
      It's much better to have it delayed and then delivered properly ;)

      Personally I would prefer not having an update delayed and not having it be the cause of new bugs. Failing that, I would prefer a simple, straight forward explanation for the delay rather than reading the inelegant reply you just posted or finding on the .org board a message dated from the 3rd saying it will be implemented in the next 2 days and followed by silence when more than a week has passed.

      Francolino wrote:


      We want to discuss another issue which should help us to further improve Ogame, the reason why you stopped playing Ogame. This will help us to improve Ogame more effectively.

      We want to hear your accurate and objective reasons why you either stopped playing or are considering to do so. Please explain only your own reasons, not those you've heard from other players, and try to use as much detail as possible.
      And of course we are also open to suggestions/ideas which you think might entice former players to re-enter the world of Ogame.

      Regards, Francolino

      The german original thread board.ogame.de/board410-ogame-…uf-sehr-streng-moderiert/

      Arguably I suppose I could say that I quit the game twice. Once because of a ban on my account and the other and final one due to fact that I saw someone do the exact same thing and neither he got banned nor did I get my previous account unbanned. That's pretty much when I decided I it was enough. And since ban discussion isn't allowed that's all I can say on the matter.

      And if I had ever entertained any thoughts of returning yet again, about a week or so later someone did something on the board that went unsanctioned despite the several protests from multiple people while 6 months prior someone else had been perma-banned and threatened with a law suit for doing the same.

      And while I'm on the law suit issue, another thing that has always annoyed me about GF and the Ogame Mods has been the recurring argument that because GF is in Germany and due to the T&C, only German law applies. Which is obviously absurd. That section of the T&C can only be valid for ogamers residing in Germany. If a player which for all intents and purposes is a GF client, plays from a different country, then obviously it's his or her country of residence law that applies regardless of what the T&C state. National laws always preseed contracts. And in this day and age, all it takes to realize that is a look at any newspaper article about lawsuits being brought by countless EU countries on Google and Facebook over privacy violations. Mind you these companies are American and they both have their own ToS and make the same claims as GF regarding court authority and national law applicability. But all this starts going a bit off topic, although it is all part of the endemic lack of honesty I on the part of GF that in my case at least, drove me away. But I'm quite sure it probably applies to countless others even if they can't quite phrase it in these terms.
    • Kebab wrote:

      AbioticViper wrote:

      A prime example of this was the update 1.4.0 for .org, was ment to be released on the 3rd, we told there was a delay and it will be another day maybe more. Its the 11th now. If GF cant keep its word why shuold we stay for things that may never happen
      would you rather have an update delayed and be delivered properly or an update rushed and cause untold problems and bugs? In Ogame.us we got the 1.4.0 update then the 1.4.1 update straight after, qucikly followed by a 1.4.2 update. we're now on 1.4.3...
      It's much better to have it delayed and then delivered properly ;)

      Right all that is well and good Kabab but why give us a release date then saying...Bla bla bla its out the 3rd only for GF to find out its infested with bugs. Why not test these things correctly. And after all tests are complete give us a accurate release date? Instead of tellings us its out the 3rd then going back on your word and giving us a vauge reponse it will be out in a day to afew days. Should we assume afew days means a week. I will never blame Mods etc...as there only doing there jobs I believe. But if GF doesnt give you accurate info then why tell us when its out? At least be honest and BS with vauge reponses, if we were at least told what bugs it is having trouble with it would validate the players alot more as we would be treated more like costumers then desposiable items.

      IDK but would like your opinions on this cause I feel this is another factor that causes players to leave, always been left out of the loop and being miss-informed.
    • I'd rather GF just run this game properly really. And I agree with AbioticViper, should be tested BEFORE they give us a date, anyway.

      Reason I actually quit? Better things to do with my life, this game wasn't worth it.

      Reasons why I ever wanted to quit? Bad staff, really. I have seen GOs make the most flawed and idiotic decisions, both mods and GOs doing their job with massive personal bias, so much inconsistency it's amazing... most recently I had someone swearing at me in-game and throwing insults around, as well as breaking multiple rules to troll, insult and spam at me in a diplomacy section. What happened to him? Nothing at all. Not one thing. Despite breaking the rules multiple times.

      Following on from that are the players. A lot of them are simply idiots who aren't worth the time required to play against them. It isn't competitive, people don't do anything but moan about how dead it all is while doing nothing to make themselves active.

      And of course there is the fact that GF does so little to keep them active, generally.
    • I stopped Ogame and would stop again for the following reasons :
      - Old universes are empty, no more neighbourhood figths, it is just dead.
      I am never spied, although I have a well-know nice medium fleet. Nothing happens, months after months... Actually, it is quite boring...
      - I will not start a new universe because the game is not balanced anymore : the massive use of merchants broke the need to trade, the players don't depend on each others anymore...
      And it is now impossible to be ranked without using the merchant tricks : the challenge is not interesting at all.
      - Last thing that made me stop : all the disappointing decisions for the GF, no communication with their customers, with a local staff that is clearly as disappointed as the users.

    • I asked this question on Hungarian OGame forum and most said these reasons:
      • Much universes were opened.
        • (e.g.: Under 1 year we Hungarians we received 5 universes.)
      • Ignoring players' opinion on all of them onto universe it was forced on him it RD-t.
      • The wrong onto corrections is, that we have to wait for months, years.
        • (e.g.: the raw material vanishing wrong ... this bug is on a sign since then since Ogame is.)
      First and last:in much wrong universe beside few players dictatorial designal who has desire to play apart from a couple of fanatics? :)
    • I think it's interesting to know the case of 2 different alliances in France :
      2 alliances wich have counted about 45 players each one and created a long time ago (more than 3 years)

      The first alliance :
      About half were very young (12/15 years old) and stopped relatively rapidly
      The other players have stopped too for the next reasons :
      - 5 have not been able to play with the new design (too much upheavals in the menus, too slow, too much clicks to do)
      - 2 have left after recycling when AG, DG began
      - 4 have left due to the new size of the hangars (no sufficient space, even with high level terraformers)
      - 1 has left : lack of time
      - 5 have left due to the astrophysic feature (little accounts which have not yet their 9 planets)
      - 2 have left because the paid options give too much advantages to those who pay

      and the last active player (there are also 4 players in vacation mode for a long time, waiting for unifusion) told me :
      Maybe I will leave too for these reasons :
      - I'm too alone and I don't like that
      - astrophysic has condemned my account to stagnation

      So this situation is catastrophic !

      In other part, my alliance, about 45 active players, very happy to play together, is waiting for unifusions !
      and nobody has left because of the last modifications !
      This is the result of a very intensive life in the alliance and yet we do not know us IRL before playing ogame.

      I think it is very important to invent something for the life of the alliances !

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by asterix2 ().

    • I have leave the game for 1 years....my reasons are:

      - the game is always the same
      - no new ships, structure etc (bit ideas)
      - payment, payment and stop. No free feature (see recolonization).

      Fusion, this is the solution (for this moment, after fusion I don't know)
    • Main reason why I consider leaving Ogame is GF laziness. Everything is so slow, they do things like unifusion when there is almost nothing to merge. Players talked about it 2 years ago, made discussions, petitions. And now when all hope was lost and there is just a bunch of players they make decisions about merging.

      It's great - really but why so late. It is to late to change anything. Most of my friends left because they lost faith in changes.

      There was so much time and now changes are made - is it really for us - players, or for GF to save some money on servers?
      Because after these years of stagnation I no longer believe in company good intentions.

      We have origin board, some news about merging and other changes but why now and not when everyone was asking for it.

      And You dare to ask us for reasons of leaving Ogame? Ask those thousands of players who left year or two ago and not few which are visiting this forum.
      I don't know how to look at it - You wake up now and have questions to make Ogame better.

      Has it been so difficult to ask earlier or I don't know there was some blockade on the road?
      Why didn't u care about us and haven't even answered our questions.

      I'm sorry but for me it looks like a cold calculation. When servers were full there were profits and not much to think about because ogame was a self-acting machine. Now popularity is dropping with every minute so GF makes declarations, changes, even this board and is asking us how to solve problems.

      You want us to believe that they really care about us and do something and when they gain popularity again they will stop for next years so as they did before.
      It's an illusion for a moment. I would be very surprised if it wasn't.
    • Hello,

      We did a survey on ogame.fr to know the reasons for stopping ogame, I give you the results of the poll.

      47 % Tiredness ( 124 )
      35 % Desertification of universes ( 94 )
      17 % Misses novelty ( 45 )
      16 % Redesign, AGs, Astrophysics ( 42 )
      12 % Officers / traders ( 33 )
      12 % The Other ( 33 )
      11 % no reason / envy for stopping(arresting) (28)
      10 % Recycling ( 27 )

      Survey is open since December 16th 2010, for the moment : 266 voters.
      Original topic : link

      Have a nice day, and sorry for my bad English.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Titeuf ().

    • For the shape because this subject seems useless, here is an update.

      42 % Tiredness ( 191 )
      38 % Desertification of universes ( 172 )
      19 % Misses novelty ( 84 )
      14 % Redesign, AGs, Astrophysics ( 62 )
      13 % Officers / traders ( 57 )
      11 % no reason / envy for stopping(arresting) (51)
      11 % The Other ( 48 )
      10 % Recycling ( 43 )

      A total of 452 Votes have been submitted.
    • The Truth wrote:

      Well I hope this will change soon with the unifusion :)
      If it comes quickly. Otherwise there will be a lot of players who'll stop, not having the patience to wait for it...

      I would add one more reason: GF and all its staff is cheating (on purpose or not, I don't know).
      - Cheating on new releases (fusion will come, you'll all be happy!). How and when? Tests are not conclusive at all, since they don't take the reality into account (i.e. zombie accounts).
      - Cheating on release dates (always late)
      - Cheating on bug fixes (each release / patch brings more bugs than bug fixes)

    • Néné wrote:

      For the shape because this subject seems useless, here is an update.

      42 % Tiredness ( 191 )
      38 % Desertification of universes ( 172 )
      19 % Misses novelty ( 84 )
      14 % Redesign, AGs, Astrophysics ( 62 )
      13 % Officers / traders ( 57 )
      11 % no reason / envy for stopping(arresting) (51)
      11 % The Other ( 48 )
      10 % Recycling ( 43 )

      A total of 452 Votes have been submitted.

      i think we should do an other poll with one parameter more, maybe the result will be different :D
    • as the first user said, first time i quited plating ogame was because none of my friends stayed in that universe for long time, the i was bored for not having someone to chat
      second time was cause there was a lot of strong or inactive players in my universe, so raids were quite hard to do

      im playing in my third time, maybe i will stay more times, but, I always say tha ogame will be more funny if there was a featured similar like the aliens or the pirates in the expeditions, that suddenly, a fleet from the position 16 are atacking one of your planets, so this will be a very unplaned incoming attack and will be more challengist to deal with it