Newbie Protection Related To Completion of Tutorial

    • Acquire and obtain players

    • Newbie Protection Related To Completion of Tutorial

      I suggest that either a "grace" period be given where attacks cannot happen at the start of a uni for (x) amount of days, OR players are incapable of being attacked until they have completely finished the tutorial. This would cut down on losing player counts by making it impossible for a player that is very knowledgeable of this game to raid fresh new prospective players within the first hour of the uni start just because they have the ability to swipe a bank card. This would somewhat level the laying field, and allow players to advance their accounts and actually have time to build a connection to their account rather than get raided at the start and feel more inclined to cut their losses. people will still buy DM, IM SURE OF IT, because they want that overall rank score. But instead, they'd invest it into economy or research, and let new players do the same
    • venice wrote:

      I think its against OGame's nature.

      As you know its PvP game, not farm game :=)

      but maybe some limitations for first day or 2nd dunno
      Of course it's a PvP game, but the long standing issue with Ogame has been player retention. A day or two? I don't think that will solve issues. Most players who cannot open a wallet are not done with the tutorial by that time. People who have DM certificates or bank cards jump out to an exponential advantage. Now, I'm not slighting that, but it does make players walk away from the game when they can't stack res because of DM users. To say, "it's against Ogame's nature" is accurate, but clearly in a depleting game, that nature needs to change.
    • its currently points based. if protection is tutorial based you could purposefully not complete it.

      RE: new uni peace time:
      I always start unis late at least a week, on accident. I hear theres a lot of fast paced carnage first days. I played an event server at start and it was cool. Youre lucky you start at beginning.

      i have a solution to your complaint:
      disable the more luxurious DM items in first days of uni to increase competition. ie instant res creation! : o
      Dor - Cygnus - En