• Fleet, Defense and Combats


      Perdon por mi ingles, escribo en los dos idiomas por si hay algo mal dicho en ingles. GRACIAS POR LEERME.
      Sorry for my English, I write in both languages in case there is something wrong said in English. THANKS FOR READING ME.

      By giving a future to the investigations of Graviton and Salto Cuantico, we could give form to an idea that would give much game in the long term in any universe and surely income in dark matter.

      The idea is to have TWO MOONS on the same planet, with the following conditions for example:

      1 - A single colony with double moon per pair level of Graviton and odd level of Salto Cuantico.

      2 - The cost of higher levels in Graviton would be with an increase of 80%, ie if Graviton level 1 is 300,000 energy, level 2 would be 80% more, 540,000 energy.

      - The cost of the higher levels of the Salto Cuantico would be the arithmetic progression x2, that is.

      3 - The double moon, would be obtained under the following conditions:

      ........ After a battle on the Moon number 1.
      ........ After a battle resulted in 30% debris (only during special events)

      4 - Moon 2 can not be destroyed and only have one field.

      5 - If Moon 1 is destroyed, Moon 2 also disappears.

      6 - Limitation of a planet with double moon by Galaxy, not being able to relocate to another galaxy if already had the player another planet with double moon.


      - The EDLM sent in Mission "Destroy Moon" from Moon 2, will have a success rate of 50%, increasing 5% for each EDLM that is added in the same mission.

      - Salto Cuantico made from the Moon 2 or received on the Moon 2, do not generate timer.

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      ( En Español )
      Por darle un futuro a las investigaciones del Graviton y de Salto Cuantico, podriamos darle forma a una idea que daria mucho juego a largo plazo en cualquier universo y seguramente ingresos en materia oscura.

      La idea es tener DOS LUNAS en un mismo planeta, con las siguientes condiciones por ejemplo:

      1 - Una sola colonia con doble luna por nivel par de Graviton y nivel impar de Salto Cuantico superior al nivel 1.

      2 - El coste de los niveles superiores en el Graviton seria con un incremento del 80%, es decir, si el nivel 1 del Graviton son 300.000 de energia, el nivel 2 seria un 80% mas, 540.000 de energia.

      - El coste de los niveles superiores del Salto Cuantico seria la progresion aritmetica x2, es decir.

      3 - La doble luna, se conseguiria bajo las siguientes condiciones:

      ........ Tras una batalla en la Luna numero 1.
      ........ Tras una batalla con resultado a escombros del 30% ( solo durante eventos especiales )

      4 - La Luna 2 no se puede destruir y solo tendria un unico campo.

      5 - Si la Luna 1, es destruida, la Luna 2 tambien desaparece.

      6 - Limitacion de un planeta con doble luna por Galaxia, no pudiendo reubicar a otra galaxia si ya tuviera el jugador otro planeta con doble luna.


      - La EDLM enviada en mision " Destruir Luna " desde la Luna 2, tendra un porcentaje de exito del 50%, incrementandose un 5% por cada EDLM que se sume en la misma mision.

      - Los Saltos Cuanticos realizados desde la Luna 2 o recibidos en la Luna 2, no generan contador de tiempo.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by anonymus ().

    • The idea of double moon is not bad, and was suggested before but I think that we need to improve the benefits... to make it viable.

      anonymus wrote:


      - The EDLM sent in Mission "Destroy Moon" from Moon 2, will have a success rate of 50%, increasing 5% for each EDLM that is added in the same mission.

      That is too strong

      - Salto Cuantico made from the Moon 2 or received on the Moon 2, do not generate timer.

      You mean only to the timer on double moon or even to the other moon where you will jump on or where you jumped by?