Research Laboratory level and Research faculties.

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    • Research Laboratory level and Research faculties.

      Hello, a suggestion concerning the research laboratory. The tutorial says
      "The research laboratory is needed to develop new technologies, and the level of the laboratory determines the speed of research." To accelerate the research, all the researchers in your empire are gathered in the laboratory of the planet on which the research is being carried out. As soon as a new technology is developed, researchers return to their original planets and carry knowledge, so all the technologies sought can be used on all the planets. Planets. "

      However, the RP logic is not respected, because if one takes into consideration that all the researchers of the empire move to make a technological evolution, this means that the level of research must be the same in the " All the laboratories of the empire, and thus the time of research equals whatever the planet from where is launched the research.

      Or conversely to what is said, researchers do not necessarily work together and only exchange their findings which is justifiable, but in this case it should be possible to launch a research on each of the planets independently.

      Thanks for reading.