Auction redesign

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    • Auction redesign

      Now the sistem takes whatever offer you make and takes the resources from you, where the last one to bid wins the object.


      Make the mechanism more like a real life auction, the players can bid up with the auction showing the 3 highest bids but without taking the resources until the end, to make the bid you will have to have the resources available. Only will have to pay the player who wins it, if the player who did the highest bid doesnt have the resources anymore the next highest bidder will pay, until the third one, if neither of them can pay the object is lost.

      If a player bids 2 times in the same day and doesnt pay it will have a 24h ban from the auction, if he does it 5 times in a week 72h ban, and if he doest it 7 times a permanent ban from the auction. (This is to persuade people from bidding only with the intention to have the object lost)


      -Players than have been attacked can no longer waste resources on the auction, example: you have been attacked but the wave attacks have not reached your moon yet, the auction finishes in 30 min, but the attack arrives in 20 min, allowing the attacker to sack.

      -More resources in the "ecosystem", the bidders will have more resources to spare and the attackers no longer have to see their benefits go to "waste".


      I dont see any lol

      PD: The underlined numbers are personal suggestions and can and should (i guess) be studied to optimize the process, the important thing of this suggestion is the auction mechanism, everything else are little personal details that i think makes the process fair to everyone.

      Edit: I think this suggestion belongs in general, instead of here, so sorry for posting it two times.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by JulitoIglesias ().

    • I am going to explain it the simplest way possible so everyone understands it.

      In real life if you go to an auction, you want to bid for an object, the highest bidder wins it, but the other bidders dont pay if they lose the auction, thats reason number one. Does not make ANY sense that the mechanism of the auction works that way.

      "why do i can spend resources in defences/ships/research/building and no in auction ? Don't sound as a real improve of game, because if defenders is online always he will try don't give resources at attackers, so if he will can not spend in auction, will spend in other way."

      Well, first of all, this doesnt make any sense. When you are spending resources in all the things that you listed above you are improving your account, when you are literally wasting those resources in the auction they are disappearing from the game, and you could say, well those are my resources, and that may be true, but in the case that someone is attacking you and you have, lets say, 100 million in your moon, there is no way you could move all that from it if it is near enough, and you are using a mechanism of the game that doesnt make sense in the first place, because maybe the attack will hit in 5 min and the auction finishes in 45 min, you dont have to pay yet, because is not finished.

      I dont know, i think that only ppl that attacks and understands the game as do I will appreciate this suggestion, but even if ppl would appreciate it Gf would have to work and that seems unlikely.
    • JulitoIglesias wrote:

      In real life if you go to an auction, you want to bid for an object, the highest bidder wins it, but the other bidders dont pay if they lose the auction, thats reason number one. Does not make ANY sense that the mechanism of the auction works that way.
      real life isn't a game. This is a game so can have different rule.
      In real life you don't go in bid to increase cost of object, but only because you want to win it if you can permit cost ............... i think that with your change, there will be a lot of fake offer, only to increase cost for real interested.
      Personally i prefer actual way that you lose that you bid.

      I could be in favor of a mechanism that would limit the ability to participate in an auction while it is under attack (but problem could be fake attac) , as don't permit bid in last 10 minutes of an attack, or a tax that increase bid in proportion to the time remaining until the arrival of the attack (0 to start and up to 99.99% of travel time)