The ability to chose a preferred resource to loot on defeated players

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • The ability to chose a preferred resource to loot on defeated players

      Hi everyone,

      I was thinking about the possibility to pillage preferentially when you've won a battle. This choice would be set up in the fleet briefing panel.
      For example, I can chose to take more metal than crystal or deuterium, meaning that if my fleet wins I can take with me a loot composed of 50% metal 25% crystal and 25% deuterium, capped by the 50/75% of resources according to honor points, and my carrying capacity.

      That would expand the different raid possibilities, as I won't raid someone with a lot of metal in stock if I need crystal, whereas I will focus on players with a lot of crystal and set my pillage ratio to 50% cry, 30% met and 20% deut for instance.

      Of course this needs some regulations : a cap for one resource (like you can't loot more than 75% of one resource) and a cap for the proportions you can chose (like no more than 50% taken by one resource), and of course that mechanism could be unlocked by some technology, like Energy lvl 12 and Computer lvl 12 because of the management difficulty.
      Also, I think there must be some kind of counter measure to this, because if you are accumulating a lot of, say, crystal, to build the satellites for graviton tech, you'll be targeted by crystal seekers and it will take a hell of a lot of time to recover. However, if some technology level can unlock it (say Shield lvl 12 and Laser lvl 12 for advanced hangar protection) you may chose a resource that will be better protected by the hangar (ie increase of the hideout capacity by 100% ).

      What do you think of that idea ?