Planet lockation resource change

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    • Planet lockation resource change

      well it would be nice change planet resource on game if higer temperature planets would gain extra metal or crystal ,becose rigth now its allmoust no point to get high temperature planet only becose u just get extra solar enegrgy restore but, if u look coulder plantes like 13-14 slot will get u more deuterium so why not have someting extra for very hot plantes like on 2-3 slot ones and have a extra crystal or metal gain
      Or even better and would make it more balanced if hot planet gets more metal and less cryal and coulder planets would allso gain extra crytal but less metal?

      sorry my english not perfect :P
    • Yes thats fine to i own my self an 145-185 c planet and atm seriously im starting to regerd it that i Deplyed it ,solar energy gain is nice (+54) and there is no point to even talk about deuterium becose i just lvl it to 10 and dont wanna level it more since it doesent have much fields (only 130) and im even with lvl 10 its - 132 deuterium So yeah it really need some changes ! ;(

      The post was edited 1 time, last by herky06 ().