Should no possible to use Dark Matter when you are attacked

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Should no possible to use Dark Matter when you are attacked

      I think it shouldn't be possible to shop defenses with dark matter when you are attacked. Maybe only shop civil ships to fleet. I think this is bad for players (not for ogame bank account), in 5 seconds i can build a bunker.

      @edit by TGWo: I edit title to be more easy to understand your propose

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TGWo ().

    • thats the curse with DM-Users.

      but i think it isnt appropriate to forbid the use of DM for defenders if they are under attack.
      than we must forbid the use of DM for the attacker of the hit, too.
      He might have moved a planet with DM or colonized a planet and used DM for building up a Moon and a jump gate to have the possibility for the attack.

      Also often seen: The attacker used DM to build up missing recyclers/ships just before the attack to score a higher profitability
    • I'm talking about shopping during an attack. Move a planet, shop a moon and a jump gate it's something that requires time. If the target doesn't become aware, amen. If he sees enemy's movements he can fleet or shop defenses before beeing attacked. I think that if gamers would know this rule they would shop defenses before beeing attacked and the game would be more fair and balanced.
    • Perhaps offer say a , "Bunker" feature to some point, rather it is called that or not.

      The Point of this feature is to offer the players a chance to use Dark Matter for when attacks acquires when otherwise Dark Matter can not be used.

      How this would work is during attack you could use things gained from Dark Matter "purchases" prior, to take effect for the attack, example Ships, Defenses, say Shields and anything else in etc.

      Anything before or after an attack is still say ones leisure as it would be before, but allowing otherwise an interest of no Dark Matter use say Dark Matter, and as such, could not spend to the Bunker during an attack.

      Thus, giving the Bunker essentially one point and purpose for one difference, but still say using before and after an attack might offer some interests. Given..

      What would be the worth of Espionage and to any regards should there still be any differences??

      Also, even before that, what limits of the "Bunker" itself should there be, and if any, what is say the determinable control point - Research, Resources, Builds, Dark Matter, Items, Combos, ??

      Rather the "Bunker" should act still as last round automatic Defense as well for the Incoming Attack??

      There are probably alot of say flaws, in the idea, but at the time would change anything for the time but say a difference of it.

      Or, perhaps see it as "purchasing" "orders" so Resource costs would sustain Real-Time effect with Dark Matter usages.

      But something of a "Bunker" idea would seem cool to any point really, just not sure if it should be called that.


    • If I'm attacking the return of a fleet and the planet has a lot of resurces on ground, what can I do ? Spy 5 seconds earlier it's no use, shopping is faster. But the point is that this practice ruins the game, it makes the top players, those who shop and can shop the most, untuchable. In a game should be rewarded the best player not the richer.
    • i think that it is a bad idea. why? because Dark matter is part of the gameplay of Ogame...see it like an other resource that you can obtain in the game. And the use of it can not blocked in any time of the gametime (in my opinion).

      And as my partner of the team ErikFyr said...You in the most part of attack a player when he/she is offline...But well...If the attacker see that the deffender buy bunker with DM, he/she must to cancel the attack for save the fleet( rule number 1 of Ogame, spy the planet, moon or the home planet some seconds befor the fleet come to the target)
    • Dark Matter can only be shopped.. and it gives benefits and this is ok, but you have to balance the game. Some points should be garantied, for example all player should be in the same conditions under attack and defense. One of the main point of this game is the Phalanx, there are a lot of variables that can happen when you are attacking for example a moon debris return, if you put the variable of defencer using DM it becomes too risky, and players stop to study the target and they quit Ogame.
    • Fleet and defense shouldnt be insta-buildable while being attacked and for a time period after an attack
      its leads to too much frustration on the losing side, whether its dm ninja or 'stealing' df with recs after a crash

      but ofc there is the money the gf makes off this feature which sadly makes the complaints about this feature negligible
      I would love for the gf to have a change of heart regarding dm features - restrict and limit them and accept less money for the moment and have at least more content users and possibly more money in the long run