Attack to honorable player

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

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    • I don't think it is a good idea, also if i can understand that could not like when happen.
      If attack will work as you propose, more players could organize a list of attack on same players (probably in different planets, but not always) and receive a lot of points.

      Now server check if an attack is good or bad only in the moment that really is done, not at start ........ so to see effect of movements of ships in that planet/moon.

    • TGWo wrote:

      I don't think it is a good idea, also if i can understand that could not like when happen.
      If attack will work as you propose, more players could organize a list of attack on same players (probably in different planets, but not always) and receive a lot of points.

      Now server check if an attack is good or bad only in the moment that really is done, not at start ........ so to see effect of movements of ships in that planet/moon.
      Yea, given if not mistaken, you can recall Fleet Movements at anytime in Transit/Travel.

