- Info : The scripts proposes to the player a possible fleet composition based on the amount of light fighters (similar to [Review] OGame Defense Proposer)
- Author : Sigma Reef
- Website : userscripts.org/scripts/show/152182
- Support : userscripts.org/scripts/discuss/152182
- Download : userscripts.org/scripts/source/152182.user.js
- Browser : FF+ GM
- Languages : Spanish
The fleet ratio considered as reference is:
8 LF -> 1 HF
4 LF -> 1 Cruiser
4 LF -> 1 Battleship
234 LF -> 1 Battlecruiser
If some ship type is over this ratio, the button is displayed in grey (not deactivated, only colored)
Pinned Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins
This site uses cookies. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our Cookie Policy.
- Info : A modern Firefox extension for OGame
- Author : Martin Burchard
- Website : martin-burchard.de
- Support :
- Download : addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/skynet-1
Alternate Download : martin-burchard.de/skynet/skynet.xpi - Browser : Firefox
- Languages : Deutsch, English (The Addon can be used in all localized Versions of OGame)
- Info : A modern Firefox extension for OGame
- Info : Statistics
- Author : ciap
- Website : przyrostyogame.cba.pl/t.html , przyrostyogame.cba.pl/m.html
- Languages : Polish, English
- Description
I had asked zeptos for adding the rest of statistics for the global and the national ogame. He ignored me and the others many times... It's very intresting for me because I lead the world records of ogame, so I made my own website with stats for uniwerse x1
Site is just in simply html code, so you can’t search individual players, change language or see bigger top but you may see:
- all stats (including number of ships)
- change the own position in main table (Zeptos has it only in player profile)
- world rank position with her variations
- Info : Statistics
Fleetsize allows you to calculate the ratio of escape of the fleets, and from now to see the mines production.
Language avaiable:
- Italian
- English
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Polish
fleetsize.altervista.org/ -
- Info : Cumulative Cost is a true cumulative cost calculator
- Author : Crimson King, kwinse
- Website : calc.antigame.de
- Support : Here, .org
- Screenshot : Link
- Browser : Firefox, Chrome (in theory all)
- Languages : EN, DE, more through Cumulative Cost - translations
Cumulative Cost is a tool that uses javascript to dynamically calculate the costs and times of buildings and research level by level and add them together. Units are separated into three tables, Resources, Facilities, and Research, with a Totals table.
-True cumulative cost
-Options for speed universes and Technocrat
-Robotics Factory and Nanite Factory ignore their respective overall setting, instead using the level they would actually have for time purposes (e.g. robo 2->4 would use a level 2 then 3 robotics, even if your overall setting is set to, say, 10)
-Deconstruction enabled via checkbox; cannot deconstruct Terraformers, Lunar Bases, or Research
-Translation support
-Optionally shows cost to instant build using Dark Matter
Bug reports, feedback, and suggestions are very welcome.
Why should we use this instead of [other cumulative cost tool]?
Every other tool we've seen is inaccurate, calculating costs by a formula which is off by a few units on certain buildings and Astrophysics due to per-level rounding. Additionally, they aren't dynamic, requiring you to press a button to calculate the costs.
Special thanks to Crazyrest for the hosting.
(I should have made this thread a long time ago WHOOPS)
- Info : Cumulative Cost is a true cumulative cost calculator
Described as "nice phalanx clock/timer that plays a sound when you need to launch"
Sorry for the lack of correct format info on this, but it is being questioned at .org and the site where it is available has little information on it. If someone could review it please. I note that the exg site has had it there since 2008, but don't know if this is the proper name for the tool or if it is already listed somewhere here already unde another name.
Available for upload at exg-clan.com/web/index.php?site=files&file=47 -
- Info : The script is able to read and save all expedition reports and to show the statistics of all the results obtained.
- Author : Sigma Reef
- Website : userscripts.org/scripts/show/158867
- Support : userscripts.org/scripts/discuss/158867
- Download : userscripts.org/scripts/source/158867.user.js
- Browser : FF + GM, Chrome + TM
- Languages : Spanish
- Info : CR Converter with many options and lanuages. You are also able to create your own profile with your own standard smileys and a lot more.
- Author : Dejma
- Website : crconv.dejma.net/?FS_lang=de
- Support : crconv.dejma@gmail.com
- Browser : firefox, chrome, ie
- Languages : multi language
- Info : CR Converter with many options and lanuages. You are also able to create your own profile with your own standard smileys and a lot more.
- Info: Gathers statistics on the results of the expeditions.
- Author: Demi
- Website: userscripts.org/scripts/show/130174
- Support: userscripts.org/scripts/discuss/130174
- Download: userscripts.org/scripts/source/130174.user.js
- "Offine" version: userscripts.org/scripts/show/160269 (without include external javascript)
- Browser: FF, Chrome
- Languages: RU, EN, FR, DE, PL, ES, IT
When you open a message from the expedition will be to gather statistics and the results displayed on the same page.
- Info: Gathers statistics on the results of the expeditions.
- Info :OGSpy is an ally tool to share informations between members. With this tool, you can share the cartography, attack reports, spy reports, compare raid performances inside the team and manage your Ogame account development.
- Author :OGSteam.fr
- Website : ogsteam.fr
- Support :
ogsteam.fr - Download :Available on bitbucket.org : bitbucket.org/ogsteam/ogspy/downloads
- Screenshot :darkcity.fr/images/ogsteam/Galaxie.png , darkcity.fr/images/ogsteam/Statistiques.png
- Browser :Google Chrome, Firefox
- Languages : French
It is today a french tool so please refer to French OGSpy topic : Topic Link
OGSpy use a passive tool named Xtense to collect basic data like user messages, galaxy informations and rankings. The script is written in Javascript and is compatible with Chrome and Firefox.
- Info :OGSpy is an ally tool to share informations between members. With this tool, you can share the cartography, attack reports, spy reports, compare raid performances inside the team and manage your Ogame account development.
- Info : Page, on which you can watch the history of changes (nick, alliance, cords, points, vacations...)
- Author : ciap
- Website : dsgbeard.cba.pl/
- Support : -
- Download : -
- Screenshot : -
- Browser : -
- Languages : Polish/ Little English (from google )
If you want to watch the history, you must make the account, log in and in the settings at down add the server. Then you can search players and clans in a bookmark "search".
Free hosting...
- Info : Page, on which you can watch the history of changes (nick, alliance, cords, points, vacations...)
- Info : iPhone App - RSS Client for the Commander feature
- Author :Elvon
- Website :Forum
- Support :Forum
- Download :AppStore
- Screenshot :
- [align=left]Browser : Devices: iPhone, iPod, iPad[/align]
- [align=left]Languages : de , en
download and parse the RSS-feed provided with the Commander-feature
configure mutliple Accounts
!!Please notice that this app stores your account login data!!
In the first step I´m planning to distribute the app in the German AppStore. The localisation for English is implemented and will be the next step. Further localisations will follow if I find some Testers.
- Info : iPhone App - RSS Client for the Commander feature
- Info :A website to calculate fleet deut. consumption, defence ratio's, Plasma resource returns and a trade centre.
- Author :Michel Brand
- Website : ogameadviser.net/
- Support :
- Download :
- Screenshot :
- Browser :
- Languages : English
- Info :A website to calculate fleet deut. consumption, defence ratio's, Plasma resource returns and a trade centre.
- Info :Just a calculator with Ogame.pt and Ogame.br resource rates
- Author :Not_alone
- Support :Not_Alone@ogame.com.pt
- Download :dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26173055/CalculadoraOgame.exe
- Languages : Portuguese
- Info :Just a calculator with Ogame.pt and Ogame.br resource rates
- Info : export your loots to board
- Author : benneb
- Website : monkeyguts.com/code.php?id=233
- Browser : Firefox & Chrome
- Languages : EN + FR
Metal : 177843 Crystal : 126164 Deut : 70234
Metal : 835476 Crystal : 301305 Deut : 161074
Metal : 178857 Crystal : 127659 Deut : 36843
Metal : 215628 Crystal : 106888 Deut : 29845
Metal : 210827 Crystal : 60030 Deut : 19077
Metal : 1.618.631 Crystal : 722.046 Deut : 317.073 Loots : 2.657.750
- Info : export your loots to board
- Info : Automatic chooser of optimal fleet against given target
- Author : anilatx
- Website : sourceforge.net/projects/optifleet/
- Support : sourceforge.net/p/optifleet/tickets/ OR mail to anil.atx+optifleet at gmail
- Download : sourceforge.net/projects/optifleet/files/
- Sourcecode: sourceforge.net/p/optifleet/code/
- Screenshot : sourceforge.net/projects/optifleet/
- Browser : none (offline tool)
- Languages : english for now, but only documentation is an issue
Using multdimensional optimization techniques (NOMAD engine) and simulator (ogamesim, GNU Ogame simulator) to find minimal {build_cost + loses + fuel_consuption} under condition of 100% chance of win
Read/write text file or commandline interface
Budget/ship amounts limits and resources conversion rates are configurable
[/spoiler] - To be honest I don't have much fleeting experience so I am open to suggestions what's desired.
- Info :script allows you to save the report in combat o-o-d.com/
- Author :tibult, Asiman
- Download :userscripts.org/scripts/show/163184
- Browser :firefox
- Info :script allows you to save the report in combat o-o-d.com/
- Info : The script shows all the player ranking info in a tooltip that appears when the mouse pointer is over the "HighSscore" menu button.
- Author : Sigma Reef
- Website : userscripts.org/scripts/show/163838
- Support : userscripts.org/scripts/discuss/163838
- Download : userscripts.org/scripts/source/163838.user.js
- Screenshot : postimg.org/image/wbhyloblz/
- Browser : FF + GM
- Languages : Spanish
[spoiler=Description]-The script requires a relogin to work the first time
-The data displayed in the tooltip is updated when the user browse through "Overview" or "Highscore" pages.
-All the data is extracted from OGame API using AJAX.
- Info : The scripts shows a popup with a warning when you're using the last fleet slot available.
- Author : Sigma Reef
- Website : userscripts.org/scripts/show/163856
- Support : userscripts.org/scripts/discuss/163856
- Download : userscripts.org/scripts/source/163856.user.js
- Browser : FF + GM, Chrome + TM
- Languages : Spanish
With this app, you can browse your space kingdom from anywhere, with your Android phone.
Keep in mind that this app is not finished yet. Its development is still in progress. So you may encounter crashes. Don't hesitate to tell me when, how and where...
What works (or seems to work :)):
- Login on ANY server, ANY universe
- Getting ressources amount
- Getting "Resources" and "Facilities" buildings list
- Getting list of "Researches"
- Getting list of "Defenses" and "Ships"
- Switch between your colonies
- Launch and cancel buildings, researchs
- Increase resources live
To download the app go to the market and look for "OgDroid Beta".
Or, for lazy people, just click on the link below ;p
Link to the Android market
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