Hyperspace Technology: suggestion with moon/building time

    • Research

    • Hyperspace Technology: suggestion with moon/building time

      Hello everyone !

      After putting my idea on the French forum and receiving a good return I put my idea here.

      When I watch the Hyperspace Technology, I think it's sad that she's useless after the level 8.
      An idea came to me who could give her a new objective and who could be interesting for minors and raiders !

      I based my idea on the Role Play and the latest technology she unlock: the Intergalactic Research Network.

      The Hyperspace Technology unlock at level 8 the Intergalactic Research Network who link your Research Labs of your empire, my idea is the following:

      From the level 18 the technology could allow to link constructions of the moon and the planet. I mean the nanite and the research lab.
      A new building will be on the moon: the research lab.

      Nanite on the planet will be decreases the build time by 1/4 (by half will be too much because they are not on the moon).
      For the research lab on the moon, a new level of the IRN will not be necessary to link the lab to the network of your empire.

      The moon will be more important than now. With lab and time reduction they will very important to upgrade.

      To decrease build time will help to have bigger moon (lunar base faster to build), sensor phalanx bigger, etc.

      To resume:

      • Decrease time of research
      • Decrease build time on moon
      • Defense and ship faster to build on moon
      • Bigger impact on the account with a moonbreak ( if you want to slow down your enemy )

      • More defense on moon
      • A technology to up
      • Bigger impact on the account with a moonbreak ( if you are a target )

      And to finish some numbers:

      (the balise table don't work very well with the new version of the board :S )

      Seeing those numbers we could think the level is to high but it's to give a reward for the player who take time to upgrade the research. When we start the game we don't have the need to decrease the time but we reach a gaming level, time is more important. After the price is only of 1.5M points and it's not very expensive for what it give.

      This was my idea, what do you think ?

      Thank you for reading :)

      "PS: English is not my first language so I put the text in French:"
      Bonjour/Bonsoir !

      En regardant la Technologie Hyperespace, je me dis que c'est dommage qu'elle soit inutile après le niveau 8.
      Il m'est venu une idée qui pourrait lui donner un nouvel objectif et qui pourrait être intéressante pour mineurs et raideurs !

      Je me suis un peu basé sur le rôle play mais surtout sur la dernière recherche qu'elle débloque: le RRI.

      La technologie Hyperespace débloque au niveau 8 le RRI qui relie les laboratoires de votre empire, mon idée est la suivante:

      A partir du niveau 18 la recherche permettrai de relier les infrastructures lunaires et planétaires c'est à dire les nanites et les laboratoires.
      On rajouterai donc sur les lunes la possibilité de construire des laboratoires.
      Les nanites présentent sur la planète diminuerait par 1/4 le temps des constructions sur les lunes (ça serait trop de diviser par moitié alors que le bâtiment n'est pas sur la lune).
      Pour les laboratoires présents la lune il n'y aurait pas besoin de monter son RRI pour relier les laboratoires sur les lunes aux réseaux des laboratoires sur les planètes.

      Les lunes auraient encore plus d'importance que maintenant, avec l'ajout de laboratoires et la diminution du temps de construction elles seraient parmi les premières infrastructures à développer.

      Diminuer le temps sur les lunes permettraient d'avoir de plus grosses lunes (construire plus rapidement les bases lunaires), des phalanges plus haut niveau, etc.

      Pour résumer le tout:

      • Diminuer le temps des recherche
      • Diminuer le temps de construction sur lune
      • Défenses et vaisseaux sur lune plus rapidement construit
      • Impact direct sur le compte si la lune est détruite(raideur)
      • Défense sur lune
      • Une technologie à monter en plus
      • Impact direct sur le compte si la lune est perdue (mineur)
      Et pour finir quelques chiffres:

      En voyant les chiffres on pourrait se dire que le niveau est trop élevé mais ça à pour but d'être "une récompense" à ceux qui prendront le temps de up cette techno. En début de jeu on n'a pas forcément besoin de diminuer autant le temps des recherches ça serait plus pour les comptes avec un empire assez développé. Après le coût de la recherche ne revient qu'à 1,5M de points, qui n'est pas très cher pour ce qu'elle pourrait apporter.
      Voila mon idée, qu'en pensez-vous ?

      Et merci d'avoir tout lu

      My pride:

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Choubakawa ().

    • It is an alright idea, but given, having Hyperspace for the instance would seem like it should work on any moon from any Planet. Highlighting an interest of having a Moon for a Position Slot to occupy leaving open interest of exploration of the Planet it has still.

      Would seem to put also more an emphasis on say Research Lab usages to further Research to say gain the effects of faster build times for anything else.

      But then having an option to say apply InterGalactic Research Network for the Moon itself would say you could get say Lab for search, rather as a Traditional Research Lab otherwise. Which should amount to perhaps a InterGalactic Research Network Lab or something, and say gain effect from there that allows say from any Planet to the one moon, but as such, would also say why of for to gain direct access of a Nanite Factory from a Planet in the same position in relation to the InterGalactic Research Network.
      Leaving the interest of Research Lab for say any Planet you have to a moon.

      This could say rely on additional Planets and Moons to take an account to add-up additional for say the worth of the InterGalactic Network in which could provide a direct one Planet and one Moon in the same position the same effect as other Planets and Moons say combined.

      Say the advantage, numerous moons could add up say plus 2 factor say from any planet/planets from the worth of just Labs. Were as InterGalactic Research Network adds say plus 1.15 factor for a single direct moon and planet.
      But given of course labs could add perhaps additional past 2 in total for all, as long as there is multiple moons and/or planets in the make for why there is. But until then, say any initial is basically not worth plus one factor.
      Upgraded Labs could say effect instance bonus for the time against adding additional to other Labs on other moons and/or planets, but essentially just moons for now.

      All still though in regards to Hyperspace Research of course.

      I like the interest of this idea, but what it could cover seems to cross some reasonable 50-50 areas. Least to me.

      Hopefully you can understand what I've said least somewhat reasonable. I did kinda bounce around but think I picked it back up later.

