Skin à Loot

    • General

    • Skin à Loot


      Je propose une suggestion qui peux être vraiment sympathique.

      Ce serais l'ajout de skin Vaisseau / Défense

      Et les obtenir de Manières différentes.
      Je m'explique:

      Lors de la création du compte (et mise en place de la mise à jour)

      avez le choix d'avoir les skins de la version 2 du jeux ou les skins actuel.

      -En Expédition , vous pouvez obtenir de différents skins supplémentaires (Les collectes on découvert un plan de vaisseau très ancien de vaisseau de bataille) (par exemple)
      -Au marché de la communauté
      -A l'import / Export
      -Aux événements
      -A l’hôtel des ventes
      -Via l'achat Antimatière

      Ceci figureraient aussi sur les rapport de combat apparent, ainsi que les rapports d’espionnage.

      Ça remettrai du défis et rendrais le contenus bien plus attractif.

      Ainsi, nous pourrons les activés / désactivés via le panneau "inventaire".

    • Je suis perdu sur, « In expédition... », en ce qui concerne d’Import/Export, vente aux enchères et marché de la communauté correspondant à une utilisation déjà, même si par la suite. Est « en livraison.. » couvrant la partie inférieure la moitié de la liste de là à dire, ou un élément de liste séparée ??

      I'm lost on, "In shipping..", in regards to Import/Export, Auction and Community Market being use already, even if afterwards. Is "In Shipping.." covering the bottom half of the list from there to say, or a separate list item??


    • I went with bing, Bing I have had many conversations for several messages without issue many times. But did wonder why say "Shipping" was listed differently twice, figured perhaps spacing, capitalization or the like, but no change, still the same different spelling of a word.

      But I did take French at one-time and if I remember correctly, they kinda say don't use the same word twice in alot of writing per say more often than what English does.

      Otherwise, it is a good idea, just lost on a few specifics, but if just a Graphical Enhancement for the game, don't know why it wouldn't go through but for thoughts of say perhaps a further promotive interest to find to say perhaps another game for Graphics starting to look more similar to them than say the original game in question.

      The worth of contest, I think could cover not only in-game options but Forum as well, if not both together, with things like Facebook and the like, could have say up to 5-7 options of contest rather than say 3.



      P.S. Might not be say Graphical Enhancements completely, but a Graphical Change at a time, say would still be of interest for the choice in doing so, say during play. Would question though when and how could change say Images/Graphics against say a time frame, but at a time if just personally to you, then guess it wouldn't matter as much.
    • Changing the images of Ships and Defenses would be a good idea and even for say a premium price.

      Say, having a Sports Car to choose over a Luxury Car, where the Sports Car is say represented by a Corvette and a Luxury Car Represented by a Buick, could say for the Sports Car change the image for say a Mustang and for the Luxury Car change the Image for a Lincoln. Given say the worth of Ships and Defenses.

      If you just need Sports Car to say populate races and Luxury Cars to attend races for why cars matter, then say at the time Images of such for changes shouldn't change the worth of the Sports Car or Luxury Car if they have different portrayals.

      But if changing of Images be more like, Camouflage Skins between Urban and Winter Environments for thoughts equal for Ships and Defenses for say an additional decor to an existing Image than have a completely different one.
      Then probably still all the same at a time and still a good idea.
      Instead of a Red Sports Car you can have a picture for the image of the Sports Car be blue for say a premium and/or other interests of the like.

      But to me so far sounds like the idea for having say a Mustang looking Sports Car instead of a Corvette, despite any Speed differences for say the premium. Which if is, is still say a good idea.

      And further of, is based on the older model types of Ships and Defenses, rather newer images should be presented for this idea, seems the question of the idea to me. Given say, all current stats for specific Ships and Defenses do not change with the respective Ship and/or Defenses.

      Otherwise, along with Stats changes, would seem like another System to implement at a time, but perhaps just being able to have image changes even at a premium and the interests of the like it just as well.

      Hope this words are more helpful, but probably not. :)

