Sorcerer vs Lando Calrissian - TD 19.201.000

    • Basic

    • Sorcerer vs Lando Calrissian - TD 19.201.000

      As I am at work already and girls behave, I thought to spend time here for something productive...

      Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX)
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      L.Cargo 1
      Battleship 1.326

      Defender Lando Calrissian (X:XXX:XX)
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      S.Cargo 232
      L.Cargo 188
      L.Fighter 2.925
      Cruiser 19
      Battleship 34
      Col. Ship 1
      Recy. 21
      Esp.Probe 10
      Sol. Sat 44
      R.Launcher 100
      L.Laser 105
      H.Laser 15
      Gauss 10
      Plasma 1
      S.Dome 1

      After battle...

      Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX)
      L.Cargo 1
      Battleship 1.321

      Defender Lando Calrissian (X:XXX:XX)

      He captured
      556.171 metal, 289.616 crystal and 803.868 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 300.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of

      At these space coordinates now float 3.758.100 metal and 1.702.200 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured
      278.085 metal, 144.808 crystal, and 401.934 deuterium

      The attacker lost a total of 54.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 801.000 units.

      At these space coordinates now float 12.000 metal and 4.200 crystal.

      Your 300 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 6.000.000. At the target, 3.758.100 metal and 1.702.500 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 3.758.100 metal and 1.702.500 crystal.

      -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --

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