Hall of Fame (HoF) Rules - tag mess

    • Hall of Fame (HoF) Rules - tag mess

      Can we get rid of this mess from HoF tagging:

      [Mythical] debris field > 10 000M : amount of debris field is upper than 10 000M .
      [Titanic] 5 000M < CdR < 10 000M : the battle are not Mythical, but the amount of debris field is upper than 5 000M.
      [Legendary] 2 000M < CdR < 5 000M : the battle are not Titanic, but the amount of debris field is upper than 2 000M.
      [Champion] 1 000M < CdR < 2 000M : the battle are not Legendary, but the amount of debris field is upper than 1 000M.
      [Devastating] 500M < CdR < 1 000M : the battle are not Champion, but the amount of debris field is upper than 500M.
      [Warrior] 250M < CdR < 500M : the battle are not Devastating, but the amount of debris field is upper than 250M.
      [Expert] 150M < CdR < 250M : the battle are not Warrior, but the amount of debris field is upper than 150M.
      [Strategist] 100M < CdR < 150M : the battle are not Expert, but the amount of debris field is upper than 100M.
      [Advanced] 50M < CdR < 100M : the battle are not Strategist, but the amount of debris field is upper than 50M.
      [Normal] 20M < CdR < 50M : the battle are not Advanced, but the amount of debris field is upper than 20M.
      [Basic] 10M < CdR < 20M : the battle are not Normal, but the amount of debris field is upper than 10M.
      [Current] 5M < CdR < 10M : the battle are not Basic, but the amount of debris field is upper than 5M.
      [Initial] 2M < CdR < 5M : the battle are not Current, but the amount of debris field is upper than 2M.

      I mean, do we really need gazillion useless HoF tags and make science from it everytime before person post HoF?
      Beside that it must be also utter mess for mod to edit as most people in other ogame communities use tags for size of a HoF (basic 20% vs advanced 100TD and over) or optional description tags (phalax hit, revenge hit, goodbye hit, etc..) instead of DF which leads to unintentional mistakes.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • personally i don't think that it is so hard to do 1+1 and decide if 2 < 3 ..........
      Maybe a so great number of tags is not necessary, could reduce to 7-8 ........ but could also remain so. While I think it might be a good idea to introduce new tags which distinguish the cr's mode ....... ninja, farmhof, cd-moon

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TGWo ().

    • TGWo wrote:

      personally i don't think that it is so hard to do 1+1 and decide if 2 < 3 ..........

      It's not if you do 2 - 5 HoFs in life.
      What about 200? Or more?
      Anyway, I am not saying that it can't be done, that it's not possible to properly use all those HoF tags. Of course it is - you just need to check HoF rules carefully everytime before you post HoF, but is this really necessary? It's not user friendly. Simple rules which people remember are usually win-win situation for all parties involved.

      My proposal is merely a suggestion based on user experience. If things stay as they are I can live with that too of course.

      Shole wrote:

      Thanks for suggestion. I agree that it can be complicated.
      We will discuss this change and come back to you soon.

      Awesome! Thanks :)
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si