Ancient Planet (Capture & Conquer) Event Suggestion

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    • Ancient Planet (Capture & Conquer) Event Suggestion

      hi everyone,

      im just giving subject maybe story will come later ^^ dont know.

      BTw, i even dont know can dev team do or not cause its so complicated , but nearly in every game they have something like that , FreeForALL or DeathMatch ^^

      If you have any more improvement about that or any idea , just say it maybe Dev team can accept ^^


      In every 1 year old universes will have weekly ancient planet, which can be pop-out in any galaxy or system, but you can see it on OverView like a event bar, you will see where it is.

      This planet cant be radared/phalanx , but you can spy it, Atack it and , Defend it.

      so whats about this planet? why is it so special?


      This event will continue only 6 hours.
      This event will happen only 1 in week.
      This event has no restriction, only you have to be in min 5 player Alliance.

      Finders keepers. First one gets it.
      Planet will have 12MM fleets for defend it only for once. This fleet will have No DF just like expedition. After you destroyed stationed fleet, you will get Ancient planet, and your fleet will be stationed in Ancient planet. When your fleet get hit by other players, it will have DF!!
      When you get it , you have to defend it, because every other players can see your fleet when they espionage the Ancient Planet, you have to build your strategy to how to defend it or Conquer it.
      When its captured by Any Alliance, All alliance players (only top 20 (based on point) in Alliance will get reward, not 50 players!!! ) who captured it , will get every hour they capture 10.000 DM. (Max 60.000DM , cause this is 6 hours event) {Reward can be changed to gold items like ship&build&research , i dunno}
      Other players can be atack and try to defeat who capture it.
      In anytime , who capture Ancient Planet, can be retreat his fleet from Ancient planet, even only 1 ship remains in planet, they will still count as capture.
      Only the one who captures it, can see incoming atacks to Ancient Planet. And they can prepare strategy for incomer.
      OFC there should be winner, so who gets the max possession time, will be announced winner ( Alliance not player) . And you will see it from highscore table or Overview tab.

      Like this such event will provide more aggressive play on Old Univ. and bring them new fun. And it will let old vmode players back to universe to prove something :)