Hi guys, I'm an italian player, so forgive my bad english
My proposal is simple:
When you need to send a fleet toward a planet of yours, there is a nice window that allows you to quick select your destination. Its called "scorciatoie" in italian, maybe its "shortcuts" in english.
When you open this window by clicking it with your mouse, there are 11-12 destinations shown immediately, the others can be reached by sliding it. But when you slide it with your mouse wheel, well, it doesn't slide immediately, but first it highlights the previous destinations and THEN it slides down.
My proposal is to remove this feature and allow the window to freely slide down when I use the mouse wheel.
Its not something critical for the gameplay, but its a really annoying feature and i'm not joking when I say that removing it would really improve my experience
@edit by TGWo: changed title
My proposal is simple:
When you need to send a fleet toward a planet of yours, there is a nice window that allows you to quick select your destination. Its called "scorciatoie" in italian, maybe its "shortcuts" in english.
When you open this window by clicking it with your mouse, there are 11-12 destinations shown immediately, the others can be reached by sliding it. But when you slide it with your mouse wheel, well, it doesn't slide immediately, but first it highlights the previous destinations and THEN it slides down.
My proposal is to remove this feature and allow the window to freely slide down when I use the mouse wheel.
Its not something critical for the gameplay, but its a really annoying feature and i'm not joking when I say that removing it would really improve my experience
@edit by TGWo: changed title
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