Sorcerer vs [UW_PL] KamilJelonki93 - TD 104.179.000

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    • Sorcerer vs [UW_PL] KamilJelonki93 - TD 104.179.000

      KamilJelonki93 wasn't sloppy fleetsaver, that much I can tell you. Sometimes things just don't go as we planned.
      He accepted defeat graciously with congratulations and all the rest, one can only hope from defender. +he's not giving up as he said.

      Respect. I wish there are more players like him.

      Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX)
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      S.Cargo 3.032
      L.Fighter 111
      Cruiser 1.602
      Battleship 1.328

      Defender KamilJelonki93 (X:XXX:XX)
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      S.Cargo 175
      L.Cargo 233
      L.Fighter 3.803
      H.Fighter 60
      Cruiser 293
      Battleship 651
      Col. Ship 3
      Recy. 642
      Esp.Probe 44
      Bomber 102

      After battle...

      Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX)
      S.Cargo 1.352
      L.Fighter 52
      Cruiser 1.198
      Battleship 1.295

      Defender KamilJelonki93 (X:XXX:XX)

      He captured
      929.948 metal, 42.300 crystal and 430.286 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of

      The defender lost a total of

      At these space coordinates now float
      metal and

      The chance for a moon to be created is 0 %.

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured
      464.974 metal, 21.150 crystal, and 215.143 deuterium

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured
      207.593 metal, 10.575 crystal, and 107.571 deuterium

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured
      103.796 metal, 5.288 crystal, and 53.786 deuterium

      Your 1403 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 28.060.000. At the target, 20.971.200 metal and 10.286.998 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 17.773.002 metal and 10.286.998 crystal.

      Your 160 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 3.200.000. At the target, 3.198.198 metal and 0 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 3.198.198 metal and 0 crystal.

      -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --

      One would think that 1,4 k recs will be enough for some time at this server... :dash:

      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • not even df theft, what an honourable defender

      t these space coordinates now float
      metal and

      The chance for a moon to be created is 0 %.

      and something is clearly not working with that combat converter
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • @Rusiak, you're such a crybaby :)
      ..because everyone who's in school, at work, etc... can build 2 recs and send them every 14 minutes to df, right?! I don't expect your reply to this post in next 30 minutes either disregarding your terrible urge to reply from a moment you see it.

      Anyway, sometimes you would do so much better impression if you would simply congratulate. Or keep you mouth shut. Because so far this "blah, blah, blah..." is the only thing you show us. Ogame is a war game. Don't be just forum "keyboard warrior", show us something in game. Show us that you're actually competent for criticizing others people ingame work - something what you're doing all the time.
      Still waiting your first 20%. On a winner side of course! ;)

      And as I already talk to you again, let me clarify something. You statement about me hating ogmem isn't correct. I never, ever expressed that. What I hate, or rather dislike (and I believe I was clear about this) was your, solely your, annoyance, pestering, insultive tone... in past when someone didn't post CR in your favourite third party CR database. So to make it clear, what I don't like is your insultive idiotic approach to people who post HoFs at board and not some 3rd party CR database I don't care about.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sorcy ().

    • Sorcerer, it is just a game, as you just said few weeks ago. Don't let it rule :)

      Nice hit and very nice profit. Some defenders just let the debris field to the attacker as fair-play, wether they are available to build 2 recyclers or not. This is not push, just fair-play. And maybe the defender was buisy working or something else. Those are juste figures on a web page, sometimes you win, sometimes not and it is not that bad.

      My rule with recyclers : one should have as many recyclers as it takes to recycle his own fleet, or tend to have this number if possible. But even with that principle, it is always good to find a battle where you have not enough recyclers :D

      FR to KamilJelonki93 ;)

      French player - wordreference user :D
    • Evagelan wrote:

      My rule with recyclers : one should have as many recyclers as it takes to recycle his own fleet, or tend to have this number if possible. But even with that principle, it is always good to find a battle where you have not enough recyclers :D

      Nice rule, but through time it's harder to harder follow it and it become compromise between more recs/less combat ships (where all the recs are rarely used) vs more combat ships/less recs ( = less damage on your/attacker's side).
      At some point recs and deut always become limiting factor in top crashes although this cheatin' paradise server with lack of real fleeters seems full of deut.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • the only person into personal insults is you, sorcy.

      Defender KamilJelonki93 (X:XXX:XX)

      this does not state that the combat was on a moon, although i have to oblige to you in saying "i could have thought of that myself".

      for me showing stuff: i am currently inhabited by wow which takes up most of my time which is why i am taking a more future proof approach to this game at the moment. also i don't have to show anything to know my place here.

      back to combat converters. what i don't like about combat converters: a clear overview of win/loss of the involved parties. sure we all can count in our heads but QoL is not having to. and most c-cr's don't have that luxury.

      back to you: you get me wrong because you are militaristic in your stance. all i have done is express my feelings about rainbow colors and the general overview of combat converters. ofc you are allowed to take that to heart, go overboard and insult me for expressing an opinion and arguing for it. putting yourself in the place you want to be. no one, least of all myself, will take that from you. i don't judge.
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Sorcy wrote:

      Evagelan wrote:

      My rule with recyclers : one should have as many recyclers as it takes to recycle his own fleet, or tend to have this number if possible. But even with that principle, it is always good to find a battle where you have not enough recyclers :D

      Nice rule, but through time it's harder to harder follow it and it become compromise between more recs/less combat ships (where all the recs are rarely used) vs more combat ships/less recs ( = less damage on your/attacker's side).
      At some point recs and deut always become limiting factor in top crashes although this cheatin' paradise server with lack of real fleeters seems full of deut.

      Yes, you are right of course. My rule is a rule to avoid risky situations (well no... risks about profit, so no that risky). A rule is made to be overruled , and as combat ships are part of the fun, usually I end up like everyone else with too few recyclers and a bunch of unreachable targets to cry for :D

      French player - wordreference user :D
    • Rusiak wrote:

      the only person into personal insults is you, sorcy.

      Defender KamilJelonki93 (X:XXX:XX)
      this does not state that the combat was on a moon, although i have to oblige to you in saying "i could have thought of that myself".

      for me showing stuff: i am currently inhabited by wow which takes up most of my time which is why i am taking a more future proof approach to this game at the moment. also i don't have to show anything to know my place here.

      back to combat converters. what i don't like about combat converters: a clear overview of win/loss of the involved parties. sure we all can count in our heads but QoL is not having to. and most c-cr's don't have that luxury.

      back to you: you get me wrong because you are militaristic in your stance. all i have done is express my feelings about rainbow colors and the general overview of combat converters. ofc you are allowed to take that to heart, go overboard and insult me for expressing an opinion and arguing for it. putting yourself in the place you want to be. no one, least of all myself, will take that from you. i don't judge.

      Thanks for expressing your feelings about rainbow colors, but your babblings make no sense. I would suggest you to lay off posting for your own good.

      You could always try blogging though. I am sure you have a friend or two who would be interested in reading it.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by urza ().

    • why the hate between rusiak and sorcy?

      ffs guys, you're both awesome, I think, so stop with the inane arguing please as I don't want to change my view xp there's nothing wrong with either here, or ogmem ok?

      for wht it's worth, I love seeing your hits here , sorcy :)

      gutted I was such a late starter here as Im still very far from the stage I can start to have real fun here... but Im definitely staying here ages, and it's great to hear kamil feels the same way - especially from this being such a tough one to take...

      also, is this the very famous urza from .org?

      if so, woohooo!
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