Sorcerer vs [HARDCORE] eXe - TD 29.104.000 -> $$$

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    • Sorcerer vs [HARDCORE] eXe - TD 29.104.000 -> $$$

      I am sure that's just minor set-back for eXe, but with all the profit and flight distance involved, still some little excitement vs top10 player for me.

      Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX)
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      Battleship 1.312

      Defender eXe (X:XXX:XX)
      Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
      S.Cargo 23
      L.Cargo 476
      L.Fighter 3.567
      H.Fighter 4
      Cruiser 135
      Battleship 64
      Recy. 76
      Esp.Probe 51

      After battle...

      Attacker Sorcerer (X:XXX:XX)
      Battleship 1.308

      Defender eXe (X:XXX:XX)

      He captured
      654.000 metal, 98.585 crystal and 1.209.414 deuterium.

      The attacker lost a total of 240.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of

      At these space coordinates now float 5.942.100 metal and 2.789.100 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is 0 %.

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured
      1.987.766 metal, 49.293 crystal, and 781.171 deuterium

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured
      993.883 metal, 24.646 crystal, and 390.586 deuterium

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured
      496.942 metal, 12.323 crystal, and 195.293 deuterium

      The attacker has won the battle!
      He captured
      248.471 metal, 6.162 crystal, and 97.646 deuterium

      Your 480 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 9.600.000. At the target, 5.862.100 metal and 2.713.600 crystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested 5.862.100 metal and 2.713.600 crystal.

      -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --

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