Emperor research

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    • Emperor research

      Hi OGame community,

      Another suggestion out of my suggestion box: kind of an emperor research.

      What does it mean?

      With emperor research you allow people based on honor points to have x% less costs in deut each flight. For example:
      • Emperor research level 1 - 1% with 0 > 100.000 honor points, 2% with 100.000 > 200.000 honor points, 3% with 200.000+
      • Emperor research level 2 - 4% with 0 > 100.000 honor points, 5% with 100.000 > 200.000 honor points, 6% with 200.000+
      • Emperor research level 3 - 7% with 0 > 100.000 honor points, 8% with 100.000 > 200.000 honor points, 9% with 200.000+
      This way you allow fleeters to stay more active with fleetsaving instead of hiding big fleets in vacation mode, since we know that vacation mode is abused way too much.

      Let me know what you think about this.

      Kind regards,


    • Think is a fairly good idea with a good solid base say for its' holdings, and if perhaps there much to change not much at all really.

      Don't get me wrong, I would like to add to this idea, but of an idea without even further to add, this is still a good one. Reduced Deuterium Costs in regards to Fleet Movements is probably what I would think last of really. And for the worth of Honor Points would even seem to perhaps say at a time put in within a means of high end Research with of cost for the Research itself rather than what is regards to utilize still of once done and/or to get, even say for.

      Which would entitle say to such at a time for the sakes of outcome as well.

      I did say have something I would of liked to add, but getting around to Deuterium and Fleet Movement was somewhat in a longer road for what I could find otherwise if there was say one Emperor Research, which to me would also suggest why the idea to work out very well, rather simply and/or practically.

      If you're say interested in my 2 cents to say, perhaps let me know rather here or message or the like and I can try to keep it and post here, rather in a spoiler or something. Going to try to "Iron it out" though perhaps before though, but I usually don't mind working with things though afterwards, but used to kinda deleting my own posts sometimes as well though too when saying that really. Copy Paste works a better if remembered.



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