Energy technology improve effectiveness not only of fusion plants but also solar satellites

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    • Energy technology improve effectiveness not only of fusion plants but also solar satellites

      Since the introduction of decent sizes in positions 1 2 3 13 14 15, it's possible to colonize there. But in position 15 one can get 1 or 2 energy units per solar satellite. May be make energy technology also improve those numbers?

      Right now, I do survive with fusion plants alone in position 15, but I think improving the effectiveness of solar satellites with this technology wouldn't do any harm to anyone.
    • This is a nerf to fusion reactors by proxy [buffing it's competitor] and ruins part of the balance of colonizing colder planets. Cold planets give high deuterium and the cost is generally smaller slots and harder energy accumulation. Fusion Reactors are the general solution [either partially or wholly] and by improving solar satellites you are nerfing them.

      Additionally, this would buff warmer planets to the point fusion reactors are pointless and would also accelerate and make harder to stop graviton attempts.
    • Yea, but at a time wouldn't real question be if Solar Satellites gain bonus, why doesn't Solar Plant??

      By the time you get to Inner Lines for the difference, the contrast of cost for non-nerfing isn't as sustainable but for the shear worth of expense, which would say for the cost not be able to exceed interest of outcome.

      Even with more Solar Plants, Satellites could possible still be needed for an interest of offset for what is still provided for the of Fusions Plants, rather via Research in Additional Energy Means or just the further sakes of its' Developments.

      And in the Middle would probably sustain just as much 50-50 outcomes given thoughts of further cost elsewhere, would not be Supplied by Additional Numbers say other-where, that would otherwise be the same, say before, to have in account without Additional say Attribute.

      Solar Satellite sustains interest of difference, only with still further of for say in to to find for out would Supply means beyond worth of ones of expense. Which can be often still to a point, perhaps correct. But the cost say In-Line should be able to still off-set for say its' lack of developments.

      Also sustaining say interest perhaps in further cost of Research for Energy as well, as otherwise not needed to.

      Be like saying just increasing power outpout of fusion plant is as just as justifiable as just increase the amount of deuterium taken to run then just what is done to get for what is makes without a change in consumption, given the worth of interest to do so would be worth still unregarded.
      Solar Satellites seem like for the interest for even current standpoint, would still have to say continue on there compensation standpoint. Given otherwise with research bonus would be out of in still that meantime, then being worth working from where one is that is already makes just for a difference.

