Energy Technology decreasing the deuterium cost of flying

    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • Energy Technology decreasing the deuterium cost of flying

      It's a short and simple suggestion
      Researching energy technology after level 10 makes your fleet spend less deuterium.
      So if you have energy tech lvl 11, your fleet will use 5% less deuterium than it normally does.
      lvl 12 would make it 10% cheaper
      So to cut your deuterium expenses in half, you would need to have energy technology level 21
      that costs 838.860.800 crystal and 419.430.400 so i think it's pretty much well balanced.
      The best part of if it is that it is in agreement with science, with advancing your knowledge of energy technology, you are learning how to spend less resources to get the same energy. That's the reason why the fusion reactor is giving an higher energy output and spending the same amount of deuterium.
      So why would it not be logical to use that same knowledge for fuel usage of your fleet?
    • Energy tech already provides a unique bonus by making fusion reactors produce more energy to the point that math can argue they are late game viable. Giving energy tech this effect too seems like it's overloading the research more than it needs to do something totally different than it's current effect.

      Why not stick this as a beneficial effect for upgrading drives.
      +10% Per Level Speed
      +5%/Level -50% Fuel Efficiency [Min 0%]

      +20% Per Level Speed
      +5%/Level -50% FUel Efficiency [Min 0%]

      +30% Per Level Speed
      +5%/Level -50% FUel Efficiency [Min 0%]

      Fuel Efficiency = Math.Max(0.0, (0.05 * TechLevel) - 0.5)
      This provides every drive level beyond 10 with 5% increased efficiency where anything lower defaults to 0.
    • Well from my point of view, Deuterium is used as fuel for fleet movements and for energy production of the Fusion Reactor, and since Energy Technology is making Fusion Reactors produce more energy with the same amount of deuterium consumption, it should also have the same effects on fleet, spending less deuterium for fleet movements.

      With the science laws as we know them today, resource combustion releases heat(heat is thermal energy), and since we are able to control the thermal energy we released, we are able to convert it into kinetic energy. So if the level of Energy Technology is having the same effect on Fusion reactors(ogame) like the thermal fuel efficiency in real life is having on them(since the invention of the steam machine), it would be only fair that Energy Technology would have the same effect on deuterium consumption for fleet movements as it has on Fusion Reactors for energy production. Perhaps an easier way to explain my logic behind this would be to compare the fuel consumption of Golf Mk1 (a little bit less than 9l/100km) with the Golf Mk4 model released roughly 25 years later)(less than 6l/100km).
      So, my opinion is that the same technology that is providing more energy production for Fusion Reactors should be the one that is decreasing the deuterium consumption for fleet movements, and i think the Energy Technology is best suited for that effect. I know i did a sloppy job in balancing the numbers, and i'm gonna try to find a better balance for it right now.
    • It is logical if that energy technology will affect the consumption of deuterium as it is correctly pointed out that even now it increases production in thermonuclear reactors and to enhance the efficiency in engines as the engines begin to produce the necessary amount of energy with less consumption of deuterium. But decision in the 5% is too strong. It is necessary to use already inherent in the process of increasing energy.
      At this moment GF already uses:
      The energy technology has constant 1,07.
      The fuel consumption has multipliers: Jet engine 1; Impulse engine 2; Hyper engine 3.
      Accounting the already used formula of production’s increase energy, we obtain the formula of reduction of the cost of production of the necessary amount of energy.
      D*(1,07 – N2 + L * N) /100
      D – the base value of the consumption of deuterium
      L – the level of energy technology
      N - the multiplier of fuel consumption of the engine for (Jet engine 1; Impulse engine 2; Hyper engine 3).
      As a result, we get this table

      Taking into account that with this approach, we have a big distinction in the consumption of different types of engines, we will get different benefits for miners and fleeters, that's why I propose to change the multipliers, to reduce the distinction and to make the improvement beneficial for everybody. - OFF - ON

      The post was edited 1 time, last by libocat ().