Rewards for top 3 players

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    • Rewards for top 3 players


      I have an idea that may have been posted, and also as I've heard, it once was a thing.

      The main reason players quit after a crash, is because there is not a strong motivation to rebuild.
      Lots of time consumed, for what, another crash?

      Gameforge can decide to reward the top 3 players in an Universe, after lets say a year.
      While it's totally up to you, I have 2 suggestions that are super cool and ogame related.

      1st place: iPad with oGame installed (or any tablet if you hopefully publish an android version)
      2st place: 50$ Dark Matter voucher for any following uni.
      3rd place: 20$ Dark Matter voucher for any following uni.

      *My thinking of what this may affect*

      - For sure the percentage of players rebuilding after crash will increase.
      - Skype will go crazy with 'Omg dude ogame gives rewards now' messages (word of mouth marketing)
      - Random events like 2 weeks before the rewarding the universes will be on fire all the time (engagement, increased time spent on page)


    • It sounds like a good idea and could be great if it happened after a year in a universe, but giving iPads away will be too expensive for GF if it will happen in every universe :P

      The rewards could be DM or maybe something else, like items giveaway or 1 level upgrade to anything in OGame, we could discuss here what the rewards could be :)
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    • a reward could sound good, but I should make not only after 1 year, but any 6 months or any 1 year ............ and don't reward first 3 position, but who have done best increment in last period (of course first period start from day 0 to day 182 and increment is equal at first 3 points, after from 183° day to 365 ° etc).

      A good idea could also reward not only about total points, but also about fleets destroyed or about economic points (to have rewards for miners and for crashers).

      Idea about ipad sound too much expansive .......... better to give DM, items