super graviton

    • Research

    • super graviton

      salve a tutti,
      la mia idea è questa: perchè bisogna convogliare tutte le risorse su un unico pianeta per poter lanciare una ricerca quando questa poi si applica a tutto il nostro impero? sfruttando già alcune ricerche esistenti (tipo ricerca iperspaziale, rete di ricerca e ricerca informatica) avere la possibilità di poter lanciare la ricerca tramite la super gravitonica da un pianeta sfruttando le risorse di tutti quanti (un pò come il mercante quando si compra un item, che si può scegliere da dove e quante risorse spendere per singola postazione).

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      My idea is this: because you have to focus all our resources on a single planet in order to launch a research when it then applies throughout our empire? taking advantage of some already existing research (type hyperspace research, research network and research computing ) have the possibility to launch the search by super Graviton from a planet using the resources of all those ( a bit like the merchant when you buy an item, you can choose where and how many resources to spend on single location).

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TGWo: Correct 2 errors ().

    • Valent wrote:

      at first sight this can be very helpful but has also some drawbacks allowing a player to save resources from a planet under attack by ordering a research
      beh, se si è sotto attacco e non c'è la possibilità di far volare via le risorse con le navi, personalmente o le metto in produzione o costruisco difese. in ogni caso cerco di limitare il guadagno di chi mi attacca.

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      Well, if you are under attack and there isn't a chance to blow away the resources with ships, personally or put them in production or build defenses. in any case, I try to limit the gain of those who attack me.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TGWo ().

    • toscanaccio wrote:

      salve a tutti,

      la mia idea è questa: perchè bisogna convogliare tutte le risorse su un unico pianeta per poter lanciare una ricerca quando questa poi si applica a tutto il nostro impero? sfruttando già alcune ricerche esistenti (tipo ricerca iperspaziale, rete di ricerca e ricerca informatica) avere la possibilità di poter lanciare la ricerca tramite la super gravitonica da un pianeta sfruttando le risorse di tutti quanti (un pò come il mercante quando si compra un item, che si può scegliere da dove e quante risorse spendere per singola postazione).

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      Hello everyone,
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      My idea is this: because you have to focus all our resources on a single planet in order to launch a research when it then applies throughout our empire? taking advantage of some already existing research (type hyperspace research, research network and research computing ) have the possibility to launch the search by super Graviton from a planet using the resources of all those ( a bit like the merchant when you buy an item, you can choose where and how many resources to spend on single location).

      Well, the idea is nice, in particular way as next step of the interplanetary network, could be something like an evolution of this last one. In this way, the most relevant practice result obtained is to remove the need of moving tons of resources among planets just to start a research. Of course, crashers could don't like this, but for a miner is a very usefull thing. Could be also thinked as an universe option (to make a universe more attractive for miners???).

      toscanaccio wrote:

      Valent wrote:

      at first sight this can be very helpful but has also some drawbacks allowing a player to save resources from a planet under attack by ordering a research
      beh, se si è sotto attacco e non c'è la possibilità di far volare via le risorse con le navi, personalmente o le metto in produzione o costruisco difese. in ogni caso cerco di limitare il guadagno di chi mi attacca.

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      Well, if you are under attack and there isn't a chance to blow away the resources with ships, personally or put them in production or build defenses. in any case, I try to limit the gain of those who attack me.

      Yeah, from this point of view i think the same thing of @toscanaccio