[TOT: 33.394.000] Celestia [Imp3rium] vs. Flasche [RtB] (A: 6.083.000, D: 27.311.000)

    • Current

    • [TOT: 33.394.000] Celestia [Imp3rium] vs. Flasche [RtB] (A: 6.083.000, D: 27.311.000)

      No one can tell when the third age has begun. The time has consumed ancestral histories and memories, so no one really predicted what was going to happen. However, there were some hints, some signs hidden in dark temples. For those who can decode them, ancient scrolls related lost words, names and glyphs.

      But nobody, even the smartest or the wisest, took attention to these dust whispers. The alert to the Consortium came first from the reports of the interstellar federation. The signals reported hundreds of spaceships with gold and red colors proudly emblazoned on their side, deployed next to the B-57 border. Planets from where the commercial cargos never came back, an area where the communications were suddenly stopped.

      No one took these alerts seriously. The Consortium had lived so peacefully for centuries, after the 12 crusades that pacified all the tribes, even the wildest, in the known world.

      The threat was considered as a odd sect of fanatical people. The supply of the B-57 was just stopped.
      This sector was just dry-stones planets after all. What can really come from this?

      At the dawn of the 8798 year, the word "Imperium" sounded for the first time since 4000 years.
      It was pronounced by the Lieutenant of the Order called Celestia, who was going to be famous a few years laters during the Immortals war. But for now, he was focusing on forcing slowly his long black sword in the bowel of an Consortium Officier.

      "We are the Imperium. We are the only light. Join us, or burn."

      - Raven, Imperial Historian, An 8901

      Display Spoiler

      Nul ne peut dire quand a commencé le 3ième age. Personne n'a vraiment vu venir ce qui allait se produire, car le temps avait englouti depuis bien des siècles certaines histoires, certains souvenirs. Il y avait, pourtant, au fond des bibliothèques les plus sombres, des indices, des signes. Des manuscrits antiques sur lesquels on pouvait lire, si l'on parvenait à déchiffrer les caractères anciens et usés, des mots oubliés, des noms, des symboles.

      Mais personne, pas mêmes les plus érudits et les plus sages, n'ont prêtés attention à ces murmures de poussières.
      Ce sont les premiers rapports de la fédération inter-stellaire qui ont alertés le Consortium, des rapports qui faisaient mention de vaisseaux abordant les couleurs or et rouge croisés près de la bordure B-57, de planètes dont les convois commerciaux ne revenaient plus, de zones dans lesquelles les communications étaient subitement devenus impossibles.

      Personne ne s'alerta vraiment, car le Consortium était en paix depuis bien des siècles, après les 12 croisades qui avaient pacifiés jusqu'aux plus barbares des peuplades des mondes connus.

      On parla d'une secte étrange, de fanatiques ou d'illuminés, et on cessa de ravitailler le secteur B-57.
      Après tout, le secteur B-57 n'était qu'un tas de cailloux plus ou moins stériles, que pouvait-il bien venir de là bas.

      Au matin de l'an 8798, le mot "Imperium" retenti pour la première fois depuis 4000 ans.
      Il fut prononcé par un Lieutenant de l'Ordre nommé Celestia, qui allait devenir célèbre quelques années plus tard lors de la Guerre des Immortels, et qui, pour l'heure, était occupé à enfoncer lentement sa longue épée noire dans les intestins d'un officier du Consortium.

      "Nous sommes l'Imperium. Nous somme la seule lumière. Rejoignez nous, ou brûlez."

      - Raven, historien Imperial, An 8901

      At 10-05 03:33:23 the following fleets met in battle :

      Attacker Celestia(A)
      Weapons: 100% Shields: 90% Armour: 110%
      L.Cargo 100
      L.Fighter 3.000
      Cruiser 343
      Battleship 565

      Defender Flasche(D)
      Weapons: 100% Shields: 110% Armour: 100%
      S.Cargo 43
      L.Cargo 54
      L.Fighter 593
      Cruiser 226
      Battleship 225
      Recy. 199
      Esp.Probe 28
      Sol.Sat 20

      R.Launcher 120
      L.Laser 100
      Gauss 15
      Plasma 3


      Attacker Celestia
      L.Cargo 87 ( -13 )
      L.Fighter 1.840 ( -1160 )
      Cruiser 302 ( -41 )
      Battleship 562 ( -3 )

      Defender Flasche

      RESULTAT :

      The attacker has won the battle! He captured
      237.220 metal, 254.536 crystal, and 2.447.657 deuterium

      The attacker lost a total of 6.083.000 units.
      The defender lost a total of 27.311.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 6.659.100 metal and 2.979.600 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %.

      Your 305 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 6.100.000.
      6.659.100 metal and 2.979.600 crystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested 3.120.400 metal and 2.979.600 crystal.

      Recycled at NaN%

      Your 177 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 3.540.000.
      3.538.700 metal and 0 crystal are floating in space.
      You have harvested 3.538.700 metal and 0 crystal.

      Recycled at 100%

      Total recycled : 9.638.700 (Metal + Crystal)


      Attacker : 6.495.113
      Defender : -27.311.000

      Created by OGame Winner - CR Converter

      Model : Standard

      Role play by Sylace

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Celestia ().

    • This is just exactly what I am looking for on ogame. A nice fight, some nice figures, and a really good role play to post them.

      This epic writing style, slow and spectacular, is a hell of a presentation for a Hall of Fame. Huge !

      Thank you Celestia, congratulations for all this. Retro universe section of the board was missing something as accomplished as this. You just read my mind.

      I hope other players will follow this example ;)


      French player - wordreference user :D

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Evagelan ().

    • I also echo Evangelion's post :D

      Really awesome story - it appears Imp3rium are on the rise.... watch out universe :D

      Great kaboom, and keep it on Celestia. Flasche, I'm sure you'll stay as this can be rebuilt easily (so says a noob under 5000 points locked out of his acc - again ;) )
      Know a trader? How about... HEAVY METAL TRADER?

      After 10 years, clearly the best:

      HoFs: NONE
      HOF'd: by Leon (LINK)

      The Cons Vs. IG - LOST
      ASGARD vs. OGN - LOST
      HMT vs. The Outsider (player) - LOST
      HMT vs. Ali The King (player) - LOST