Modify Plasma Tech Resource Output

    • Declined

    • Modify Plasma Tech Resource Output

      With the fleets getting bigger and bigger and player count falling. I propose you change Plasma Tech Research to 1%, 1%, 1% increase per level. This will help miners and fleeters. Miners will have more to sell, and fleeters will produce more for ships and fuel. I also think this will help people build stable accounts.
    • Ok, it was nice to get miners opinions, surprise, surprise with your answers ;-). But in reality fleets are vmoding due to insufficient amount of duet available. The increase in vmode time doesn't encourage people to play more, and did not solve the underlying issue. Granted there was a problem with vmode fleeting, but the way it was dealt with was short sighted and insufficient; back on topic. Just because something was changed in the past, like a year or two ago doesn't mean it can't be tweaked further. GF is trying to prevent people from quitting after major fleet losses, hence the dock. This will be one way to help grow, rebuild, and trade. Also, it will help make up for the rec fuel increase that was imposed on most of us after that surprise upgrade.