Do You Think There Will Be A "Page 2" In This Spamboard?

    • Well, with me trying to say find efforts to Reduce, Reuse, and say Recycle Posts when I made, I'm sure still somehow this Forum can get enough threads for a Page 2 Listing for such.

      I'd like to begin to say as such for, we should say have a vote for least a new thread to start with that is within subject and topic matters. As to what that thread could be I would say..

      If you was going to post Spam what would it be??

      I think a thread as such would be a great start for such if any haven't been found from already, which think have from what I have read to say before making this post from other then its' initial posting to say as well, and further say threads in the making to say find as well.

      Perhaps as such there is a thread already for say least my idea as such, but perhaps could least have a thread for the thoughts of votes for a new thread for spam.

      After awhile if things otherwise just continue, I might just make a thread for such, but I wouldn't wait on me though at a time, given I do tend to forget and move around the forum.

      Though as such, there might be a chance this gets to turn into say a hard endeavor for what is left to say find to what to have for spam, I'm sure it is still possible for such to be done even then.

      Good Luck otherwise and enjoy, and hopefully all posts and thread can be put to help the interest of such and say the sakes of place still for the rest of the forum. :bday: :thumbup:


    • Kellogen wrote:

      Well, with me trying to say find efforts to Reduce, Reuse, and say Recycle Posts when I made, I'm sure still somehow this Forum can get enough threads for a Page 2 Listing for such.

      I'd like to begin to say as such for, we should say have a vote for least a new thread to start with that is within subject and topic matters. As to what that thread could be I would say..

      If you was going to post Spam what would it be??

      I think a thread as such would be a great start for such if any haven't been found from already, which think have from what I have read to say before making this post from other then its' initial posting to say as well, and further say threads in the making to say find as well.

      Perhaps as such there is a thread already for say least my idea as such, but perhaps could least have a thread for the thoughts of votes for a new thread for spam.

      After awhile if things otherwise just continue, I might just make a thread for such, but I wouldn't wait on me though at a time, given I do tend to forget and move around the forum.

      Though as such, there might be a chance this gets to turn into say a hard endeavor for what is left to say find to what to have for spam, I'm sure it is still possible for such to be done even then.

      Good Luck otherwise and enjoy, and hopefully all posts and thread can be put to help the interest of such and say the sakes of place still for the rest of the forum. :bday: :thumbup:



      bruh this is too long for even spam thread :( sorry but cant read :( can someone make me summary?