Changes to aspects of the UI

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    • Changes to aspects of the UI

      Colonization is always an interesting time, especially when establishing a foothold in another galaxy, however, with the current system, I have noted a number of disadvantages with the way planets, and their management, is implemented.
      Currently, your list of planets is fixed by the time you have acquired them. I have a number of planets in different galaxies, but two planets from completely different sides of the universe are listed next to each other. This is rather irritating when you are trying to switch between planets quickly, and whilst you get used to it, it's still a minor annoyance.
      therefore, I propose that players be given the ability to re-order their planets to their liking, with additional preset orders, in either ascending or descending order, such as Economy, meaning that the planets will be ordered in their economic significance (how much production they can manage, or how many points are invested in buildings and facilities), Strategic, meaning how many points in defences and ship building facilities, and Threat, which is a slightly more complex calculation involving the ordering of planets which are in range of other players high strategic worlds (as in, a planet at the top of the list would be at higher threat levels surrounded by high ranking players with many defenses and ship building facilities than a lonely research outpost in the depths of galaxy 9, with no neighbouring planets for 20 systems either side), and finally Distance, displaying the planets in order of their distance from your Homeworld, grouped in their respective galaxies.,

      This would allow players to manage worlds more effectively, by grouping together planets that have more in common, and so ease shipping between and reinforcing colonies.

      Additionally, I think that the info panel that pops up when you go to "overview" should list the current planets hierarchy in relation to other worlds in your empire.
      • Economic significance: either the number of points invested in economy based on that planet are listed, or a rank such as "1st" or "2nd", or both combined to help players see their planets in relation to others:
      • Evacuation preparedness: is a percentage displayed to represent how many of your ships are capable of moving off world at short notice. This is calculated by the number of ships (with respective fuel consumptions) times the distance to the nearest colony, divided by the amount of stored deuterium. A 100% evacuation preparedness means that all of your ships onworld can make the journey to the nearest stronghold. 50% evacuation preparedness means that only half your ships can make it to nearest colony.
      • Military capability: is the percentage of how much of your empire's total combat forces are stationed at that planet, and a second percentage how many of them are available to be launched offworld, to anywhere within an hours journey at 100% speed based on deuterium stocks. These figures will be updated only on a launch, or every hour, in order to avoid overloading servers with calculations for every player upon refresh. (Deathstars are special cases and are excluded from this calculation)
      I would also suggest that an inbuilt advertisement forum be put into the galaxy view, as I have seen far too many people naming their planets "Buying Deut" or "Buying Metal" in order to advertise for trade offers.
      A small star icon should be listed next to a planets name, and if clicked on, the reader will view a text advertisement for services offered or requested, listing rates or requests. One advertisement minimum per planet or moon, maximum of 200 characters. Players should also be able to have an advertisement forum for the whole universe in the Merchant tab, a service costing 10DM per advertisement (which is within the means of free players who capture DM on expeditions).
      Alliances can also advertise as a group. I believe this will encourage and help sustain trading, as trading in its current form is rather primitive and clunky, as opposed to the war aspect of the game, which is sadly given more love than its civil counterpart.

    • You can sort your planets in another order, also in a custom way ;) Sorting by farest from homplanet or so doesn't really make sense to me, when you already have these options.

      For the overview thing: How many people do you see using this information? I can't really see a usecase for it.
      Sorted by your points:
      - Why do you need something like this? If you really are into it, there is Infocompte which shows you every fine detail of your account/planets pointwise.
      - Who doesn't have enough deut on his planet to save his fleet? Later with moons you wouldn't even need it because of jumpgates.
      - As soon as you have Hyperrecs or Bomber/Destroyers in your Fleet, you won't get great values anymore nor repesentive ones for the rest of your Fleet (Speedfleet)

      The ingame Marketplace for ressources is a great idea, I wouldn't even make it cost DM to use. I think it already was suggested some time ago and accepted as idea, but don't quote me on that.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief