Michel D Scorpio [YonkouS] vs. 3MBR3 [MMS] - PROFIT: 3KK

    • Initial

    • Michel D Scorpio [YonkouS] vs. 3MBR3 [MMS] - PROFIT: 3KK

      Dedicated to all YonkouS :thumbsup:

      On 24-09-2016 --:--:-- , the following fleets met in battle:
      Attacker Michel D Scorpio
      battleship 700
      Defender 3MBR3
      s.cargo 21
      l.cargo 234
      l.fighter 15
      h.fighter 12
      cruiser 86
      battleship 25
      recy. 24
      esp.probe 46
      r.launcher 2
      l.laser 2

      After the battle...
      Attacker Michel D Scorpio

      battleship 700 ( -0 )
      Defender 3MBR3
      The attacker has won the battle!
      The attacker captured:
      203.064 metal, 406.436 crystal and 236.532 deuterium

      The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
      The defender lost a total of 7.332.000 units.
      At these space coordinates now float 1.356.900 metal and 840.300 crystal.
      The chance for a moon to be created is: 20 %
      The attacker captured a total of 846.032 units.

      Your 150 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 3.000.000. At the target, 1.356.900 metal and 840.300 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 1.356.900 metal and 840.300 crystal.

      Summary of profit/losses:

      The attacker made a profit of 3.043.232 units.
      The defender lost a total of 7.332.000 units.

      Converted by OGotcha CR Converter 1.0.0 (skin: kokx)
    • All of your attacks are eerily and suspiciously similar. I'm curious as to what you said to get out of being banned. It must be nice to get a cheating head start and then be allowed back to play. As for the hit itself, it's as basic as they come and I wouldn't be surprised if this was a planned moonshot or the defender just leaving it there in hopes of an attack and moon.
    • Rusiak wrote:

      just look how beautiful ogmem is:


      sexy, isn't it?
      Depend :)

      In case he sent out attack for no profit just to bash you I agree with you. But in case it was regular attack for profit and you happen to came online and save stuff, there's nothing to brag and seek attention for - it happens to every hunter on a regular basis.

      Ninja would put things into different perspective of course ...

      So what it was?
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sorcy ().

    • Hmmm... what's all this about Michel? :(

      Here you are posting pretty awesome hits, and then you do some silly attack for no profit on Rusiak? Because of what? If you want to dissuade the non-multi sentiment, this isn't a good way of going about it.

      Ah man, I really liked you, and then you do this, this is really sad.... :(

      Sorry to see it Rusiak.

      Edit: I mean, this hit itself, that you posted, is really awesome, with awesome kaboom. But the Rusiak hit makes no sense.
      Know a trader? How about... HEAVY METAL TRADER?

      After 10 years, clearly the best:

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      HMT vs. Ali The King (player) - LOST
    • Heavy Metal Trader wrote:

      But the Rusiak hit makes no sense.

      We don't know that yet. When there are gauses involved nearby farming with bs solely for zero loses have sense. As long deut consumption isn't bigger than potential prize.
      And somehow I doubt that Rusiak had energy permanently turned down and 0 resources when attack was launched. To me it looks more like attention seeking for nothing. Things like that happen to every raider on a regular basis. People come online, it's part of a game. As long there's no ninja, there's also nothing to brag about.

      Lets wait for Rusiak to clarify.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • there were res worth ~7 LC and fleet consisting of 10 LC. a simple days work of this colony. draw your own conclusions about why he did do that

      if it was to silence me: ok, you failed.
      if it was not: only shows how bad at this game you are whilst killing fleets with a multi account that got one of the first moons.

      but i would give the benefit of a doubt since when i saw his fleets i messaged him about the truth again (something like "you are still full of MULTI!")
      the answer is to be found in ogmem short: we love each other in a very special way i guess.

      also posting that link was only to show how beautiful ogmem is. at least i think it is. if MDS would be so kind as to post the recycler report we even can see the
      12k cris in the equation at the end.

      fun fact: after posting about the one multi that is currently not on vacation, a good nights sleep and about 9hrs later i visit the system in question (see pic from another
      MDS cr) again and oh behold: Rafinha05 is back in blue :D

      normally i would pesk game operators about this, but i am not in the mood to stay calm towards officials when reminded of MDS still damaging this universe with his cheated

      on good news: it seems like there are at least some cheats left you get insta-open-end-banned for. as seen on "AdolfTrump" or Dsomething as that account was renamed and made an absurd amout of points for quite a while.
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Rusiak wrote:

      there were res worth ~7 LC and fleet consisting of 10 LC. a simple days work of this colony. draw your own conclusions about why he did do that

      if it was to silence me: ok, you failed.

      Ah, come on. Why you're take it so personally? It was genuine curiosity what's so special with this allegedly meaningless report that you want us to pay attention for. So if I understood you right, it's more war-like attack. Not for profit, but pleasure to say hello to someone who annoy you, right?
      Well, that's all what I was asking for. No further explanation needed.

      Rusiak wrote:

      on good news: it seems like there are at least some cheats left you get insta-open-end-banned for. as seen on "AdolfTrump" or Dsomething as that account was renamed and made an absurd amout of points for quite a while.

      Yeah, darikai from German Elite aka GElite. I noticed that too. That's good. Really good. When I started fleeting not so long tim ago I realized how many cheaters is in this universe. Mid/low ranked accounts with 50 - 90lfs on every colony planted all around. Almost impressive if this wouldn't be direct competition to all fair playing ogamers.
      Anyway, one less, 100 more to go.
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • i meant MDS with the "you" (i am still not able to work correctly with this quote system, sorry)
      no hard feelings about that attack at least towards MDS or you, Sorcy.
      the second option about MDS being a scrub is just banter/flame, somebody who managed to have 3 mutlis is intelligent enough to not make those attacks and expect profit from it. even with the res that originally were on my planet there is no justification expecting a return for a 164k deut investment speaking in pure gameplay related terms.

      my grudge is with MDS being free and thus with the rules that state:
      "get an ealry advantage and once you are not killable due to no aks we give you 1 week of vacation. after that you can roam free again and reap the fruits your multis sowed."
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Ah, those quotes... :)

      There are two ways.

      You can hit Reply, quote post above and then hit BBcode button (first icon in upper left corner above your reply window) to get manual code edit option. From there you can edit/copy/paste/split to several parts quote manually as much as you need.

      Or graphical.
      Hit Reply and then highlight just part of the text you want to quote and then hit small "Insert quote" popup which opens above highlighted text. In fact you don't need to even Reply first. This will quote only part you highlighted. And then respond.
      You can then repeat this numerous times to get quotes for every part you want to respond individually.

      Slightly offtopic, but well...
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si
    • Sorcy wrote:

      Ah, those quotes... :)

      There are two ways.

      i can't

      Sorcy wrote:

      You can hit Reply, quote post above and then hit BBcode button (first icon in upper left corner above your reply window) to get manual code edit option. From there you can edit/copy/paste/split to several parts quote manually as much as you need.

      express how grateful

      Sorcy wrote:

      Or graphical.
      Hit Reply and then highlight just part of the text you want to quote and then hit small "Insert quote" popup which opens above highlighted text. In fact you don't need to even Reply first. This will quote only part you highlighted. And then respond.
      You can then repeat this numerous times to get quotes for every part you want to respond individually.

      i am

      Sorcy wrote:

      Slightly offtopic, but well...

      thank you <3 (bbcode best!)
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Cheating or not, I expect if he were to do it again he'd be perma-banned.

      If he doesn't, I can assure everyone that what wins in the long run here is skill - nothing less than that.
      Know a trader? How about... HEAVY METAL TRADER?

      After 10 years, clearly the best:

      HoFs: NONE
      HOF'd: by Leon (LINK)

      The Cons Vs. IG - LOST
      ASGARD vs. OGN - LOST
      HMT vs. The Outsider (player) - LOST
      HMT vs. Ali The King (player) - LOST
    • this is in no way shape or form my work. NMA deserves the credit for looking into it and others deserve it for providing probable cause. it is even the 3rd time in 3 months that ogame officials do good work (i don't know who caught hanwha and adolf). i am impressed. from my experience (note: might not correlate with everybody elses' and is from more than a decade ago) 3 good things happened when the stars aligned.

      so i tip my hat off to you sir(s) and/or madam(s) who currently do a mostly good job in ogame.retro. i am impressed.
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • With ex Bot1....sorry ex Top1 banned, and now Multichel D Scorpio did the same bad end, the staff has done a bit of justice in this server. The work is not finished yet, and now than before some players in Top10 must begin to fear.
      No shop and a good staff are the key to the success of ogame, GF has noticed later....
      Thanks staff for your time e your work.

      Καρδία Σκορπίου Kardia Skorpiū

    • and banned again. my god how poor are you? honestly i was questioning u as a player the on every thread u posted because u dont seem to know anything about simming. u always send overkill fleets so u are either bad as fuck or you got infinite deut to spend. or well it might be both. even if u get unbanned again anyone whos gonna trust you is just straight a stupid human being. man that triggers the shit outta me. bragging around with hits made by most likely unfair gameplay. what kind of ego do you have that you need to push it by cheating and then bragging about. my god. gtfo plz
    • I know we don't discuss bans, but I would still like to also say a big thank you to the staff for clearly looking in to this properly, and making an informed decision.

      GOs are often slated on the boards, without justification, and this event shows how thoroughly they clearly look in to things, so that the rest of the people who play fair can have fun without people ruining their fun.

      Thanks to the O-Team, and have a great ogame everyone. Hopefully this will make your average gamer stick around, and we can all have lots of fun and kabooms :D
      Know a trader? How about... HEAVY METAL TRADER?

      After 10 years, clearly the best:

      HoFs: NONE
      HOF'd: by Leon (LINK)

      The Cons Vs. IG - LOST
      ASGARD vs. OGN - LOST
      HMT vs. The Outsider (player) - LOST
      HMT vs. Ali The King (player) - LOST
    • Heavy Metal Trader wrote:

      I know we don't discuss bans, but I would still like to also say a big thank you to the staff for clearly looking in to this properly, and making an informed decision.

      GOs are often slated on the boards, without justification, and this event shows how thoroughly they clearly look in to things, so that the rest of the people who play fair can have fun without people ruining their fun.

      Thanks to the O-Team, and have a great ogame everyone. Hopefully this will make your average gamer stick around, and we can all have lots of fun and kabooms :D
      nice to hear that even a big fanboi like yourself, want permanentban for unfair players. :thumbsup: