Hyperspacetech increases Cargocapacity

    • Accepted
    • Fleet, Defense and Combats

    • When the feature requests are forwarded they are evaluated by the game team and the people in the game team are who make the study of what affects/doesn't affect and how things could improve/destroy the gameplay in the short and long run.
      The announced feature is the result of this process and that is how it is being implemented in the game.
    • piink wrote:

      When the feature requests are forwarded they are evaluated by the game team and the people in the game team are who make the study of what affects/doesn't affect and how things could improve/destroy the gameplay in the short and long run.
      The announced feature is the result of this process and that is how it is being implemented in the game.
      may we ask how the study looked like?

      Can we get the break even numbers of hyperspace tech vs recyclers? [At which point is it better to get hyperspacetech/recyclers] I assume you have them already calculated, which would save me some calculation time.

      Thanks for the quick answer.
    • scorer wrote:

      Can we get the break even numbers of hyperspace tech vs recyclers? [At which point is it better to get hyperspacetech/recyclers] I assume you have them already calculated, which would save me some calculation time.
      I have never saw gameForge telling you when is better to increase a building instead of an other, or when is better to increase astrofisic or increase crystal, so why now GameForge should tell you what strategy use ?

    • So given that the % can be adjusted in the server settings:


      I propose that this value is adjusted to the DF% of the universe in already existing universes. Recyclers flying with Impulse or Hyperspace Drives are still way too expensive to launch, and while 2% more cargo space per Hyperspace tech level seems to mitigate the problem in 30% DF unis, it doesn't change anything in 70-80% DF ones. So my proposition is to increase this value to 5% in 70-80% DF unis.

      Or at least make some kind of poll per universe.

      //EDIT: Oh and just to give you some figures: in an 80% DF uni, with a speed fleet that is 110.000.000 points worth, I practically would need 2.150.000 Recyclers, which are 37.350.000 points worth (which is ~33% of my speed fleet worth). With this new Feature, at 2% bonus per Hyperspacetech level and at Hyperspacetech level 15, this drops to 1.505.000 Recyclers, which are 26.145.000 points worth. This is still almost 25% of my speed fleet and way way way too much.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by RiV- ().

    • RiV- wrote:

      So given that the % can be adjusted in the server settings:


      I propose that this value is adjusted to the DF% of the universe in already existing universes. Recyclers flying with Impulse or Hyperspace Drives are still way too expensive to launch, and while 2% more cargo space per Hyperspace tech level seems to mitigate the problem in 30% DF unis, it doesn't change anything in 70-80% DF ones. So my proposition is to increase this value to 5% in 70-80% DF unis.

      Or at least make some kind of poll per universe.

      //EDIT: Oh and just to give you some figures: in an 80% DF uni, with a speed fleet that is 110.000.000 points worth, I practically would need 2.150.000 Recyclers, which are 37.350.000 points worth (which is ~33% of my speed fleet worth). With this new Feature, at 2% bonus per Hyperspacetech level and at Hyperspacetech level 15, this drops to 1.505.000 Recyclers, which are 26.145.000 points worth. This is still almost 25% of my speed fleet and way way way too much.
      Support my idea here, maybe it helps ;)
    • RiV- wrote:

      I propose that this value is adjusted to the DF% of the universe in already existing universes. Recyclers flying with Impulse or Hyperspace Drives are still way too expensive to launch, and while 2% more cargo space per Hyperspace tech level seems to mitigate the problem in 30% DF unis, it doesn't change anything in 70-80% DF ones. So my proposition is to increase this value to 5% in 70-80% DF unis.

      Or at least make some kind of poll per universe.
      setting of universe in your community is an argument that you should discuss with your coma.

      What i see setting is one for any ships, but nothing not permit that if you open an universe with debris at 70% , you set increase at 7% instead 2% .......... or to change any setting of existing universe

    • TGWo wrote:

      I have never saw gameForge telling you when is better to increase a building instead of an other, or when is better to increase astrofisic or increase crystal, so why now GameForge should tell you what strategy use ?
      Who is asking about a way someone thinks the game is meant to be played?

      I am asking for the straight facts (which GF clearly has if we talk about "studies" here) depending on storage. Don't overinterpret or try that hard to hate dude.
    • Test it, but put it in universes with at least 5% increase each level. Otherwise this is a very poor change. And still 5% is a bit poor compared to the original proposal.

      But 2% is nothing.

      It means with hyperspace 20 you get 140% capacity. That means that 1.000.000 recyclers will get 28G resources rather than around 40G that would've been in case of implementing this proposed idea.
    • Wait a second?

      Why are people actually complaining? Like, why are you even mad? This change is good and most importantly, it's BALANCED.


      For more advanced Universes, reaching level 15 Hyperspace is a walk in the park.

      Take for example Small and Large Cargos, oh, and since it's for all ships, let's take into account Deathstars as well.

      Small Cargo: 5.000 ---> 2% per level is 100 more units
      Large Cargo: 25.000 ---> 2% per level is 500 more units
      Deathstar: 1.000.000 ---> 2% per level is... 20.000 more units.

      At level 15 Hyperspace Drive your transporters would have cargo capacity like such:

      Small Cargo: 6.500
      Large Cargo: 32.500
      Deathstar: 1.300.000

      Which means that you would now be able to transport your resources with 30% less Cargos/Deathstars, meaning that if you get crashed, you would save up to 30% of your Cargo/Deathstar fleet. And this is at level 15, you can still upgrade it even more(for Quantum, level 20 is a walk in the park). This is a huge change, which greatly helps both Fleeters and Miners, but most of all, Miners, since they travel all the time with huge amounts of resources, more so than fleeters and ofc there's far, far more Miners than Fleeters around. 2% is a good value, I talked about this before where people were talking about values of 10%-20% and I found it ridiculous and would let GF decide the values. I'm glad they finally decided to implement this(or so we are told) and with a good value that balances things out.