aliendestroyer wrote:
Almost 2 years ago it was accepted.
= 444 days = 14,5 months = 1,2 years
ROBOL GameForge
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aliendestroyer wrote:
Almost 2 years ago it was accepted.
NoMoreAngel wrote:
We didn't get any usefull feedback from the GF about it since it got approved.
piink wrote:
I brought up the feature again into the development team, but there won't be a visible answer here or a schedule for the update in the near future.
Bl4cky wrote:
I would love to have an answer to this as well. I can't imagine it being so hard to implement, that it would take so much time.
Can anyone maybe ask for a definitive answer, on to why it isn't implemented yet, or even whether it will be, like at all?
piink wrote:
If there is no schedule or plan for a feature is cause it has not been developed.
GF evaluates the features coming from the communities together with the needs of the game. Also the game development team brings up ideas and projects as the time passes.
I'm afraid this is all I can tell.
Are your statements official ones?
It's always possible that things will change. At the moment we're continuing work on the lobby and the gate network, but we're also fitting in working on something for OGame's 16th birthday. Of course, we have plans for what we'll be doing after all that, but those plans can change at any time. For example, someone could come up with a good new idea that might shift our priorities again. At the moment we've got Hyperspace Technology on the table again, and we're looking at whether we can make it more useful, which is something the community has wanted for a while now.
NoMoreAngel wrote:
Just a 10% increase would make ugly numbers. I thought of using 20% also because of the tripled Deut Consumption for Recs with hyper 15.
Just an addition to this would be bringing a 40% increase with 21 and anotherone with 23, for the ones that really want it, so that you can get up to triple the normal amount.
piink wrote:
I brought up the feature again into the development team, but there won't be a visible answer here or a schedule for the update in the near future.