Michel D Scorpio [YonkouS] vs. chochlik [Adasta] - PROFIT: 1.7KK

    • All I was saying was "lets have some fun on this game whatever the conditions". I apologize for starting this debate with maybe the wrong words, that was never my goal.

      Nevertheles I have learned some things here, like the hability for Ogmem to be a proof of the combat (I had nothing against ogmem, just to be clear) or the different habbits of communities as it was aferomentionned by NoMoreAngels.

      Have a good use of that moon Chochlik, and you are right, no more flame ;)

      French player - wordreference user :D
    • not flaming for posting w/ ogotcha. just stating that it is ugly and you can't see the infos at a glance (opinion != flame). it certainly is the same just as ogmem is aside from stats and a DB behind it (3rd party).

      but what i am flaming is the rules that let MDS get out of b after breaking the rules. imagine not having those multis...
      and himself for breaking them in the first place. so all his so called "accomplishments" are worth (insert word for excrements here).

      also after using a button on top of this edit box (strike tag for example) makes the font go white on a white background, but that is on either my browsers or woltlabs side hence me having to edit my posts more often than i want to .a (insert another word for excrement here) forum software ^^ (yes, i have experience with it)
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rusiak ().

    • You must understand that this what seems standard for you, isn't standard for many other communities we come from and you can't enforce your own personal preference to other players. Not with trash talking.
      While you're saying that you can't see the infos at a glance, my opinion (if we're talking about opinions) is that you're overreacting and complaining for nothing. We get all needed data perfectly well from posted combat report. The more posts on forum = the better.
      I can understand potential use of online cr database for someone, I am not against it and I wouldn't even post this if you wouldn't talk trash (there are nicer ways to suggest to someone something) in other people combat report threads before.
      I hope that's clarified now. (regarding our "opinions" and ways to express them).
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sorcy ().

    • Sorcy wrote:

      You must understand that this what seems standard for you, isn't standard for many other communities we come from and you can't enforce your own personal preference to other players.

      Not with trash talking.

      While you're saying that you can't see the infos at a glance, my opinion (if we're talking about opinions) is that you're overreacting and complaining for nothing. We get all needed data perfectly well from posted combat report. The more posts on forum = the better.

      I can understand potential use of online cr database for someone, I am not against it and I wouldn't even post this if you wouldn't talk trash (there are nicer ways to suggest to someone something) in other people combat report threads before.

      I hope that's clarified now. (regarding our "opinions" and ways to express them).
      how do i split up quotes in wbb? anyways:

      1st paragraph: agreement.
      2nd: who called who an ass, tried to be sneaky about it and failed in the process?
      3rd: agreement.
      4th: there are nicer ways to call sb an ass, you are correct again.
      5th: my pulse is perfectly fine, not raging at all over here. in fact sitting and smiling for it has been so long without a nice disagreeing conversation.
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Don't be an ass to others is a common saying... (example: englishforums.com/English/DontBeAnAss/xdwrp/post.htm ) and you know this very well, but yes, I could use other word for this (ie. don't behave in a stupid, annoying, ignorant, selfish, etc. manner) while this isn't even issue, just something you stick with it to pull yourself out ;)

      I am tempted to post one of my crappy HoFs from this server with old takana converter just to annoy you and your poor eyes... but still preying upon something better and actually worth to post. With takana converter of course :P
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Sorcy ().

    • Sorcy wrote:

      [snip] you and your poor eyes...[snip]
      making asumptions, are we?
      what is the purpose? to turn me into a "HB guy"?

      also you failed with your attempt to lessen your insult via google. the correct wording would be "stop being a dick".
      hint: use urbandictionary for stuff like that.

      (shouldn't we have some kind of RP area for this? i would love to have one since i could simply leave the forum in order to stop this nonsense talk about CR-convert vs CR-db whilst we have a free multi on our hands)
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • Sorcerer wrote:

      I am tempted to post one of my crappy HoFs from this server with old takana converter just to annoy you and your poor eyes...

      Rusiak wrote:

      Sorcy wrote:

      [snip] you and your poor eyes...[snip]
      making asumptions, are we?
      what is the purpose? to turn me into a "HB guy"?

      Oh boy.... so now you're blame me even for your own statements? You're a real piece of work, aren't you?
      No, it's you the one who's known for whining about your poor eyes. Let me quote you for those with short memory.

      Rusiak wrote:

      can you guys please start also posting ogmem links... this converter gives me eye cancer
      ex #1st ranked uni14 .org
      ex #1st ranked uni1 .us
      ex #1st ranked andromeda .si

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Sorcy ().

    • Sorcy wrote:

      I am tempted to post one of my crappy HoFs from this server with old takana converter just to annoy you and your poor eyes...

      What's wrong with takana converter? D:

      Still my favourite / only one I remember...

      We can confirm in other news that Chochlik's rebuild has already been done! (She is super-fast like that).

      Lolz @ DS.
      Know a trader? How about... HEAVY METAL TRADER?

      After 10 years, clearly the best:

      HoFs: NONE
      HOF'd: by Leon (LINK)

      The Cons Vs. IG - LOST
      ASGARD vs. OGN - LOST
      HMT vs. The Outsider (player) - LOST
      HMT vs. Ali The King (player) - LOST
    • since i am neither able to nor explained how to split up quotes in this forum software no direct quotes, but you will get the point sorcy.

      "poor eyes" generally refers to eyesight itself. you could be teasing me but since we are no friends and are also not flaming i see our discussion as neutral and thus formal.

      my eyes are quite good (sharp shooter quality kind of good) and i'd like to keep it that way.
      03-11-05 17:16:47 Allianz [reTOS] Mitgliedschaft in Allianz [reTOS] beendet
      Spieler Sanguinius hat die Allianz [reTOS] aufgelöst.
      Sie und alle anderen Spieler können sich nun neu bewerben
      R.I.P, baby
    • @ Rusiak,

      Just to help mediate here - "poor" can have several meanings.

      It can mean a way of rating something (excellent, good, fair, poor, rubbish) but it can also be a way of expressing sympathy (or sarcastic sympathy, which was probably being done as a joking sense by Sorcy, and not meaning any real insult (eg. "you poor thing" - doesn't mean "you worthless thing" but rather "I'm sorry to see you in this way").

      Hope this helps clear things up - I think there may be some misunderstandings here.

      Still, regarding hit, and purpose of topic, as stated, Chochlik is as awesome as ever now. :D
      Know a trader? How about... HEAVY METAL TRADER?

      After 10 years, clearly the best:

      HoFs: NONE
      HOF'd: by Leon (LINK)

      The Cons Vs. IG - LOST
      ASGARD vs. OGN - LOST
      HMT vs. The Outsider (player) - LOST
      HMT vs. Ali The King (player) - LOST