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  • [Concept] Instructions Manual

    Raszagal88 - - Archive


    Now a days AG give us a lot of functions, but really i dont know how to use it, or what they do. So would be nice to have an Instructions Manual in AG website. This manual would say us what is the function that something do and how to configure it correctly.

  • 35 days inactive & MO

    Raszagal88 - - Archive - OGame Planet


    But we wont erase his account, just move it .

  • I dont like your idea iguypouf. JoKy read the 12º point of Ogame rules.

  • If you are 35 days inactive and you have paid MO your account won t be erased. Sugg: When it happens, his account should be moved to a "rubbish" universe. So this account wont disturb to their partners. When the proprietary come back his account do it too.

  • the idea is mark them not obligatory in red maybe in cursive. And not necessary all new planets, only relocated planets... (if you can do this ....)

  • INTRODUCTION ---------------------- Nowadays get DM in a free way is very difficult because SponsorPay Or SuperAwars,etc, now don't have any offer. So the only way to get DM is paying. And like you know this make people angry and it increases the differences between premium accounts and free accounts (and like you know for make Ogame works we need both kind of accounts) Yes, I know , now we can get DM in expeditions, or in some special events, but this is not enough. Suggestion -------------- Ou…

  • Yeah, I thought about this idea when i was reading about UniverseView proyect So if you see it too hard for implement would be better (if you can and are agree) to move this thread to UniverseView section.....THX

  • It would help us to show if someone has relocated his planet near ours.

  • Depopulation option.

    Raszagal88 - - Feedback & Discussions


    If you say that for sure it is, but I don't see the striking differences that you say: There it is only one different word-->Hoje-Amanhã Quote: “ Evento Ogame Caros jogadores, Durante o dia de Hoje haverá um evento em que podem encontrar maior quantidade matéria negra que o habitual (9x mais). O evento decorrerá durante todo o dia de hoje. Cumprimentos, Team ---------------------------------- Evento Ogame Caros jogadores, Durante o dia de Amanhã (19/6/2013) haverá um evento em que podem…

  • Depopulation option.

    Raszagal88 - - Feedback & Discussions


    But I think that he say that when a universe life finish ALL of his account will be merged to an old universe. So if we give to this limited life universe the 60% of losses in battles to rubbish and velocity x2 or x3 and some other things we will have more players in old universes,it is only say at start of the universe which will be the propose of the limited life universe. Maybe give the option of merge to an old universe and if don't want to merge your account will disappear and that all. I m…

  • Depopulation option.

    Raszagal88 - - Feedback & Discussions


    Quote from iguypouf: “Quote from Raszagal88: “Merge universes <---- Bad cure” Your solution is also a Merging. A Merge of communities. Yes, is a merge. It is only an idea of how to do it And if my language as some difference with another one, I don't want to play a game full of faults, just because the language of the game is "quite" similar. And don't forget the Meridian Times... Just magic to split a community ! This is what happens in for example in my alliance . In the morning I cre…

  • Depopulation option.

    Raszagal88 - - Feedback & Discussions


    Okey, . But I am not only speaking about spanish or portuguaise comunities. If have 86.144 of accounts and ogame.arg have 7422 os accounts ( not much accounts) why dont have the with 86.144+7422 ? It is only make a survey in ogame.arg asking if they want it, and say to them all the advantages and disadvantages of this merge. Quote: “Spanish is one of the languages with the highest number of native speakers is a huge poll of players there. ” The second one, after Chinese. But wi…

  • Depopulation option.

    Raszagal88 - - Feedback & Discussions


    mostly ---> on many or most occasions; usually I said : "written is exactly the same. The difference is with the pronunciation. No more. Like Spanish. " I wanted to say "written is "the same" The difference is with the pronunciation. No more. Like Spanish. " I say that the same thing happens with all Spanish dialects and ALL of this can be understood by each others. The difference is in some words, or some expressions. But in the end you can understand them.<------like Portuguese. They come to p…

  • Depopulation option.

    Raszagal88 - - Feedback & Discussions


    In community plays people of Spain and people of all south american countries which speak spanish. They come to our community because they want. And they speak the "same" language, because of course that there are some differences but we can understand to each other very well. We have a very different time too, in the morning I make activities to their planets, and in the night they do it to me. They have the advantage of get in the afternoon the 3:00H server reset. And what can I s…

  • Depopulation option.

    Raszagal88 - - Feedback & Discussions

    Post Brazilian Portuguese (Portuguese: brasileiro, português do Brasil) is the official language of Brazil. It is spoken by virtually all of the 193 million inhabitants [1] of Brazil and by a few million Brazilian emigrants, mainly in the United States, Paraguay, Japan, Portugal, and Argentina. Brazilian Portuguese has had its own development. As a result, the language is somewhat different, mostly in phonology, from the language of Portugal and other Portug…

  • Depopulation option.

    Raszagal88 - - Feedback & Discussions


    written is exactly the same. The difference is with the pronunciation. No more. Like Spanish.

  • AntiGame Origin

    Raszagal88 - - Archive - User Project's


    SUGG: The colour that we use in private messages or circular messages would be saved by antigame (letters colour writting etc...)

  • Depopulation option.

    Raszagal88 - - Feedback & Discussions


    If we see in infuza the statistics of all ogame communities: we can see that in some communities there are not too many players. BUT, I see that in some communities speak the same language that in others like : -ogame.arg-....and all south American countries. & & etc..... So , why don't we give the option (not the obligation) of fusion the accounts from all those communities that have a bit of players into another that have much m…

  • It is not very....logical, its a pity Now you are able to close this thread_mutex

  • Premium features stops when we put Vacation mode, and when we put off the VM the Premium features continues working till they finish. for example all the officials , and accelerators. ------>So it would happen like with buildings or researches happens, that they get "freeze" in vacation mode.