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Hallo, in der Eile schreibe ich folgendes Anliegen auf Deutsch, wenn gewünscht/benötigt, versuche ich mich die Tage mal an einer englischen Version meines Anliegens. Aufgrund dessen, dass API und Co. Fremdwörter für mich sind, tue ich mich bereits im Deutschen schwer. Bis zum Universum "Aquarius" hat der Zugriff unserer Datenbank auf die OGame API auch in folgender Art und Weise funktioniert: Mittlerweile funktioniert es nur noch so: s153-de.ogame.…
Dear community, the year is nearly over so it is time for us to say THANK YOU for your support in the past year. We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and best health, happiness and success for the coming New Year 2018! Your OProjekt-Team
Dear community, we are back again. Sorry for the long wait. Your OProjekt-Team
Quote from Choubakawa: “Hello, What happened ? The site is down ” Hi, I noticed it yesterday. Unfortunately, the project leader is on holiday and will be back in 14 days. Please be patient and excuse any inconveniences caused by the breakdown.
I posted it here: - Mines-Statistics & more
Dear community, the user @Choubakawa has made a lot of effort and created a script that you should try. More information can be found here: [SCRIPT FOR SITE OPROJEKT] Update Oprojekt with Infocompte If you have any questions or problems, please contact the developer. Your OProjekt-Team
OProjekt Info: The universal tool site for OGame: Production Overview, Statistics, Account Info, Signature & more. Authors: Mr_Morden (2005-2006); Delium, CrAcKeR & GreXXL (2007-2009); Petty230 (since 2010) Website: Forum: Support: Browser: Latest versions of all major browsers Languages: In particular German and English, but also other languages (only partial translation). Translation: If you want to translate into your native lang…