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The delete account part is bugged and we reported it before the portal went live. For the live universes it´s a blocking issue, which needs to be fixed. So for now, the portal let you in, which is not intendend and also deleted accs from game are still listed in the portal. We will announce it in the Changelog of 6.3.0, when they fix it, so you can test that part and give feedback LG
Retro server
PostHi! Currently the Retro Server has 11.137 Accounts. WOW! There is the old retro inactive deletion active, all accounts are deleted after 35 days. In RD universes (live) there are more deletion times e.g. for never logged in it is 1 day and if you don´t reach min. 1 points or never build anything your account is also gone after at least 3 days. To give you more room for your colonizationa actions, we force the deletion of those never logged in accounts. That mean, during the night the script will…
Basic login page
PostGood idea, but not managable. The game itself looses the the loginpage and all is handled via portal, that´s the main idea about the portal. Anyway ... if you open the pioneers startpage you are redirected to and there you have anyway a direct login. The video is also only shown if you don´t have at least 1 acc. If you have one added/migrated, then the video won´t be shown anymore. LG
OGame 6.3.0
JoKy - - Test Server
PostHi! Today 6.3.0-beta58 arrived on all Live testservers. Contains only internal changes LG
OGame 6.3.0
JoKy - - Test Server
PostHi! Today 6.3.0-beta57 arrived on all Live testservers Changes: Quote: “- Fix for Cashback Event (now it can handle the portal) - Several Backendfixes” LG
Quote from retirado_off: “gameforge open your eyes” Yeah! Go Gameforge! Listen! Look! . . . 1 Universe for all coms Old inactive deletion (no deletion on next day, or 2-3 days, so all accounts are deleted only after >35 days) 3.6k accounts just created (guessing startfarms) and never logged in. I hope it will have some active users over time and it contain not that much (oh retro, i want to see it > never log in again) Because of that we are thinking of an manually deletion of inactive players t…
Same issue for safari on PC. OGame itself don´t support these kind of browsers. We support IE 11, Chrome (latest version) and Firefox (latest version). For Safari we made a Ticket for the Portal Stuff, because you also see there "wrong password". I extended this ticket, that you see also that wrong information at login. LG
Activity on planets
PostQuote from shomei: “I think that at this version you can "hide" on a moon, so I am almost sure that overview on the moon = no activity” really? How can you be sure?
Hi! Thx for your feedback so far here on the Origin board. I also noticed several feedback on the other comunity boards, but please try to also post it here, so we have it central! You can also use the feedbackoption in the game itself After the first feedback, already a change was done in the portal. The video is now replaced with a static banner if you have at least 1 OGame Account connected. Use the following threads here on Origin for more feedback or bug reports, so the Portal Team can take…
Attacking Inactives
PostFleet beam, yes LG
Attacking Inactives
PostQuote from AFK: “How much time does it take for the accounts to get erase completely?” > 35 days On RD there are several more steps e.g. never logged it it´s 1 day, never build sth. or not reached 1 point it´s 3 days and then those 35 days. LG
So far forwarded from my side: Mobile > Horrible and on iOS not usable Mobile > data consumption is too high Problems with the only way to login is having the primary e-mail (OGame Users are not used to login with mail only and if you forgot it after you merged you are doomed) Get a mail after you merged your account About the video: that will be changed Sitting: yeah it´s a problem, because you have to give away your whole portal account, we also will forward that part. We also forward usabilit…
First 1500 (rank)
PostI think that was part of an earlier version of OGame. The version on the retro server can handle more then 1500 and nope it will not be changed LG
OGame 6.3.0
JoKy - - Test Server
PostHi! As you notice, the 6.3.0-beta Version is available on the Live Testservers (670/671/680/690. This version contain several changes for OGame and also all changes from the wreckfieldversion (6.2.0). Internally we have both versions in test, but for the portal it is needed to have the 6.3.0 online and currently it is still planned to forst rollout 6.2.0 before the portal goes live. So here the Changelog of the 6.3.0-beta53 Changes, which were made for the portal: Quote: “- Abandon Planet/Moon n…
Retro server
PostThere is also a IRC Channel for the Retro Server on OGN > #ogame.origin-retro Have fun with the retro OGame! LG