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  • DF spawn event?

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    I saw some DFs already

  • DF spawn event?

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    Position 17 then yes I activated the event, but as far as I know there is always a random delay of some hours. So it might spawn latest 0:00. We need to check: - do they spawn - can you grab some DM - is it correct displayed in normal + mobile view LG

  • This is an old idea. Let´s resume how the vmode worked before many changes for vmode was done. - You could only activate it, when nothing is build or researched. Now? All queues are paused, which forced also the vmode saving thing. Now I come to your sugg: You buy officers and also Items for a period of time. How you manage your time, is your decision. A change will have some problems. First of all it will force the vmode saving part, which is just an abuse. We also have then more events to stor…

  • Sure, it will LG

  • Because the server setting was just temporary for testing LG

  • Hi! The change will be reverted. It was needed because of the portal and the switch was just forgotten by the development team. If the portal is deactivated in the server settings, it should be as you know it. Hopefully with the next RC version it will be changed :). The dialogue you mentions, was a requested feature by players. About planetfields. If you want such large planets, just start playing the retro universe. There you have those big planets and also those 20 field ones, which you might…

  • I think the details will be spread out next week LG

  • Hehe, First step to become OGame Techie LG

  • Maybe there is a reason why it is hidden? Ok here a hint! It is active on Bermuda! LG and Have Fun to figure it out

  • Hi! Yeah it is broken again, after we had to switch off the portal. Developers will have a look into it Thx for your feedback! LG

  • OGame 6.3.0

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! Today 6.3.0-rc3 (Includes 6.2.4-beta7) will arrive on all livetestservers! Changelog: Quote: “ - [Bugs] Mobile view: Wrong design of relocation button on overview - [Bugs] Mobile view: In galaxy alliance action buttons wrong positioned - [Bugs] Wrong positioned planets in galaxy - [Bugs] Mobile view: In galaxy debris icon is not centered in box - [Bugs] Mobile view: In galaxy action buttons wrong positioned - [Bugs] Mobile view: In galaxy player box visible when planet is destroyed - [Bugs] …

  • IP Missiles strenght???

    JoKy - - General


    Quote from Apex: “ How can you def against this? ” Build Anti-Ballistic Missiles LG

  • Move and Update of Live Testservers

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! Because we receive some questions and tickets regarding the servermove and the portal. As you can see in the first post, all server are moved and have now also a new number. Regarding the portal, you will still see the old servers and if you try to login via portal, you will get a popup, where you need to enter user + pw (htaccess). For now it has to stay like this, just because the portal can´t handle such move. The information i got from the portal team is, that somewhen it will be possibl…

  • Move and Update of Live Testservers

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! The Move and the update is done. All look ok so far We also enabled some performance optimizing features at the "new" galaxy view. You will determine some positive changes during changing the systems in the galaxy view. LG

  • Move and Update of Live Testservers

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! Today (14:00) we move all Testservers to a new Hardware with updated Server OS and PHP7. Therefore all Servers will also get a new server number: Quote: “800 en <-> Origin (670) 801 en <-> Bermuda (671) 802 en <-> WizardUniverse (680 for Tooldevelopers) 803 en <-> Teamuni (690 for Teamlers) ” For that change you will have a downtime for about 30 minutes and also may need to clear cache and cookies afterwards. If you find any issues regarding the move and the change, please use the feedbackop…

  • OGame 6.3.0

    JoKy - - Test Server


    Hi! Today the next 6.3.0 version RC2 (Includes 6.2.4-beta6) will arrive on all livetestservers. Changelog: Quote: “[Bugs] Mobile view: Activity time not displayed in galaxy[Bugs] Mobile view: Box is shown even if position is empty in galaxy [Bugs] Mobile view: Moons aren't displayed in galaxy [Bugs] Mobile View: Planet names not positioned correctly in box [Bugs] misplaced icon for contacting admins in galaxy view [Bugs] Text over galaxyview is bold and not centered [Bugs] Column headlines partl…

  • Redesign of galaxy view

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    Hmm It seems that there are some settings wrong. We will have a look LG

  • Redesign of galaxy view

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    Hmm where do you test load time? Which server? LG

  • Redesign of galaxy view

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    Here a preview from the next version (work in progress) board.origin.ogame.gameforge.c…c2ce00298c10630aad4e6d9cc LG

  • Redesign of galaxy view

    JoKy - - Feedback & Discussions


    Quote from Lunati: “ Not many people giving feedback here....... ” Some are using the ingame feedback option Anyway: Thx for your feedback so far. I think you will notice several changes based on your feedback in the next version. LG