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  • Thx for your report. You use the same logindata as you used for the migration? So same data as for your ogame account? Did you merge e-mail adresses and made another as primary? You still have the problem? If yes, then contact me via PN LG P.S.: I forwarded the problem to the portal team, but everything looks fine with your account there.

  • Quote from crusy: “Quote from JoKy: “Quote from crusy: “One thing I am missing in the FAQ (or did I oversee it?) Assume I have two Portal Accounts for my two games (or 2 OGame unis) using separate Email addresses. Can I play both games at the same time? Or will the cookies not be compatible, so that I can not log in on the portal multiple times in the same browser?” Nothing changed on OGame side. One Account per Browser on one server LG” I don't think you understand what I am saying. I have logg…

  • Servers are online again The servers will may get several updates during the day, that´s why we are still at beta52. So don´t wonder about logouts LG

  • The pioneers page switched to the live portal! LG

  • I will write here, when it is ... calm down The old portal will still stay, this is the pts relase, only for the pioneers servers, not the live launch ...

  • Quote from crusy: “One thing I am missing in the FAQ (or did I oversee it?) Assume I have two Portal Accounts for my two games (or 2 OGame unis) using separate Email addresses. Can I play both games at the same time? Or will the cookies not be compatible, so that I can not log in on the portal multiple times in the same browser?” Nothing changed on OGame side. One Account per Browser on one server LG

  • The pioneers startpage will switch, no link needed, or do you need the startpage link? LG

  • Before you start reporting bugs: Please delete all Cookies and the Cache and try again For the bug report: Please add following information - Servername - Accountname + Your Player ID (you also can search it via e.g. ) - Describe your problem in short words! (Can´t migrate, Acc Stuck in portal, can´t login ...) - Add Screenshots! LG

  • @ Crash Just migrate then your origin account, when it is available. At the portal you can add e-mail adresses and you also can merge 2 portal accounts together into 1. Also the Sync if e-mail adresses should work. So if you have currently a old portal account with the same e-mail adress, then it should be no problem to have it later then all in one portal account. LG

  • Stuck ACS defending

    JoKy - - Archive


    No behavior will be changed, only the possibility given to still recall the fleet. That´s what i reported and that´s also the final information. LG

  • Stuck ACS defending

    JoKy - - Archive


    Reproduced and reported. Thx for your report LG

  • Hi! Today we will update all Testservers with the alpha7 of 6.2.0. Yes we skipped alpha6 for you, because it contained some breaking bugs, which should now be fixed in the alpha7. Anyway, you will get both Changelogs, so you can have a look in all those changes we made. Also thanks for your feedback so far, here on board and via the feedbackoption in the game! OGame 6.2.0-alpha6 Quote: “- [Bugfix] Fix Energy-Requirements for Space Dock (cost changed!) - [Bugfix] Old WF icon in galaxyview - [Bugf…

  • Here a list for the Space Dock. The cost in the alpha5 Version on the live testservers will change (currently they are based on the old wreckfield idea). In the table you see the new values, which will be changed in the alpha6 Version. One of my Techies (NoMoreAngel) created a sim for the Wreckfields, so you can simulate some fleet loss to see, what can be repaired, based on the DF setting on the server and the space dock building lvl. For understandins of the table: Total means: What is IN the …

  • Will think about it, but so far not really, because you can´t calculate with fleetpoints or military points, what i read in other boards. You get real ships in the WF and those ships are round down. E.g. if you loose 5 Deathstars, you get 1 in the WF. If you calculate it with points, you will have a wrong result in your calculation. And for that case my personal opinion is like: if I loose really more then the defender and the defender get the whole debris field, it´s the fail fromt he attacker …

  • I think what Kub1n4sh1 want to say is: If the defender got the DF from his own destroyed fleet + the DF from the other destroyed fleet + the Ships from the WF. Sure there might be profit, but for that case you also make profit without the WF. The profit here, is that you still have some fleet after the repair time. But that case is cunstructed, because for that the loss of attacker need to be more then your own. If you only get your own (only from your ships) DF + WF, there is no profit at all, …

  • Please have in mind, that the version on the Live Testservers are in alpha status. Several stuff might change during the developement process. The Building costs are currently wrong there. The Tech-Team will provide a fancy table, when the costs are changes, so you can have an overview LG

  • 1. no res needed, only time to repair and the % is limited to the new building 2. It´s connected to your shipyard/nani on the planet and for sure to the server speed LG

  • Hi! OGame 6.2.0-alpha5 Changelog (670/671/680/690) Quote: “[Feature Request] New Building - Space Dock [Feature Request] Wreckfields - % of Ships can be repaired [Bugs] 3972t 9h is the max limit of half time/finish” Update is now available on those listed Servers. Have fun and give us constructive feedback!ne LG

  • The selection of the targets are not part of any technically stuff. Reponsible persons (teamlers, Coma and the Product Director) can choose, which servers are target from which exodus server. How they select it is on their side and not the game side. So it´s better to place your comment about the merge in your responsoble community board, because the technically based origin board can´t really help you out. LG